A record number of officers resigned from the Israel Police force during the first six months of 2022, creating an unprecedented inner crisis. Israel Police presented its data to the Knesset Public Security Committee to raise awareness of the growing problem.
Palestinians call the formation of the State of Israel a tragedy, they have a word for it, 'Nakba' and a day that commemorates the tragic displacement of tens of thousands of Palestinians after the Arab war against Isreal's formation failed and Israel annexed land abandoned by the Arab forces.
Their tragedy came about as a result of a war that was waged against Israel and the failure of the Arab forces to succeed in their mission. However, the real tragedy that occurred after Israel was formed was the forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of Jews within Arab and Muslim countries - the true Nakba was the theft of property, assets and the ultimate banishment of Jews from their homes who had lived in Muslim lands for centuries.
Hundreds of new Ethiopian immigrants landed in Israel during the month of June on flights chartered by the Jewish Agency for Israel.
The successful immigration flights were accompanied by dozens of leaders from the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) in coordination with various Israeli ministries as well as the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. The first flights were one of several set to take place in the coming months and are seen as a continuation of “Operation Tzur Israel” (“Rock of Israel”), which began in December 2020.
US filmmaker Quentin Tarantino has been awarded an honorary degree by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He was given a Doctor of Philosophiae Honoris Causa.
The university also recognized 19 other distinguished honorees from a diverse range of backgrounds and work, along with the 287 HU Ph.D. graduates.
Many on the right in Israel claim that Palestinian Arabs hold little regard for life, their own or those of others. The surge in murders within Arabic villages within Israel in recent weeks is not doing much to dispel that notion. In 2022, the total number of murders in Arab-Israeli towns is already at 47.
Last week, two people were killed within hours, Ali Hassarma in Bana and Sam Kablan in Beit Jann. A 36-year-old man was also shot near the Puridis junction and moderately injured. The background to the shooting seemed to be a simple road rage incident. MDA staff evacuated him to Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera.