The 2700 year old seal being cleaned (Source: Israel Antiquities Authority)

In a discovery that sends ripples through the annals of history, a stone seal dating back approximately 2,700 years to the First Temple period has been unearthed near the Southern Wall of the Temple Mount. The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced this momentous find in a press release on Thursday morning, heralding it as a rare glimpse into the ancient world of Jerusalem.

This extraordinary seal, described as "extremely rare and unusual," is a small yet profound artifact bearing a name inscribed in paleo-Hebrew script alongside the depiction of a winged figure. Carved from black stone, the seal is lauded by excavation directors Dr. Yuval Baruch and Navot Rom as "one of the most beautiful ever discovered in ancient Jerusalem." This artifact, both an amulet and a tool for authenticating documents and certificates, holds immense historical and cultural significance.

A Glimpse into the Past: The Seal’s Intricate Design

At the center of this remarkable seal is the depiction of a winged figure, rendered in profile with exquisite detail. The figure dons a striped shirt and what appears to be a hat or crown, exuding an aura of authority and mystique. Surrounding this figure is an inscription in paleo-Hebrew, reading "LeYehoʼezer ben Hoshʼayahu," which translates to "For Yeho'ezer son of Hosh'ayahu."

The seal’s significance is further highlighted by Dr. Filip Vukosavovic, an IAA Archeologist and Assyriologist, who emphasized its uniqueness. “This is an extremely rare and unusual discovery. It is the first time that a winged ‘genie’—a protective magical figure—has been found in Israeli and regional archaeology. Such figures, known from Neo-Assyrian art of the 9th-7th Centuries BCE, were considered protective demons,” Dr. Vukosavovic explained.

The discovery of this seal, used as an amulet, suggests that it was once worn by Yehoʼezer, a man who likely held a senior position in the administration of the Kingdom of Judah. This amulet, embodying a symbol of authority, was crafted by a Judahite artisan, showcasing a level of artistic skill that underscores the cultural and political sophistication of the time.

Biblical Connections and Historical Resonance

The name "Yehoʼezer" resonates with echoes from the Bible, where it appears in its abbreviated form as "Yoʼezer," one of King David's warriors. Furthermore, a similar name, "Azariah ben Hoshʼaya," is mentioned in the book of Jeremiah, adding another layer of historical context to this incredible find.

The structure of the name on the seal, with the two parts of the first name reversed compared to the biblical text and the second name in its abbreviated form, reflects the writing style typical of the era. This stylistic choice offers a glimpse into the linguistic and cultural norms of the First Temple period.

Prof. Ronny Reich from the University of Haifa, a research partner in the study, noted the contrast between the careful engraving of the winged figure and the more haphazard inscription of the names. He speculated that Yehoʼezer himself might have engraved the names on the seal, suggesting a deeply personal connection to this ancient artifact.

“This is further evidence of the reading and writing abilities that existed during this period,” Dr. Baruch added, challenging the notion that literacy was confined to the societal elite. This seal, with its intricate design and personal inscription, reveals that individuals 2,700 years ago possessed the literacy skills necessary for commercial and administrative activities, at least at a basic level.

Assyrian Influence and Judah’s Cultural Exchange

The discovery of this seal also sheds light on the profound influence of the Assyrian Empire on the Kingdom of Judah during the First Temple period. Dr. Baruch emphasized the seal’s unique design, noting that “the figure of a winged man in a distinct Neo-Assyrian style is unique and very rare in the glyphic styles of the late First Temple period. The influence of the Assyrian Empire, which had conquered the entire region, is clearly evident here.”

The seal, with its depiction of a protective demon, is a testament to the cultural exchanges between the Assyrian Empire and the Kingdom of Judah. While the Hebrew script used for the owner's name, Yehoʼezer, underscores his connection to local Judahite culture, the Assyrian artistic influence is undeniable.

Archaeological evidence from sites such as the City of David and the Temple Mount continues to reveal the extent of Assyrian cultural impact in Jerusalem during this era. The discovery of this ancient seal not only adds to our understanding of the First Temple period but also highlights the intricate web of cultural interactions that shaped the history of the region.

A Heritage Preserved: Public Unveiling and Future Insights

Heritage Minister Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu welcomed the discovery, noting its significance in demonstrating Jerusalem's importance and centrality 2,700 years ago. This ancient seal, a tangible link to the past, will be presented to the public at the 25th annual "City of David Research Conference" in Jerusalem on Wednesday, September 4. This unveiling promises to offer further insights into the rich history of Judah during the First Temple period.

The seal’s discovery is not just an archaeological triumph but a window into a world long past—a world where art, culture, and power converged in the heart of Jerusalem, leaving behind relics that continue to captivate and inspire.

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