Screenshot of Channel 14 News report about militant assassination fears

Against the background of the reports that Israel is returning to the strategic option of targeted countermeasures such as assassinations of key leaders in the various terrorist organizations, Palestinian sources told the Arab newspaper "Al-Araby Al-Jadeed", which is published in London, that senior officials of the Palestinian terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, and Syria, since last week of the month of Ramadan have implemented "strict security measures in light of Israel's intention to carry out assassinations". 

The Palestinian sources added that "According to the estimates Israel will move to carry out assassinations in the Gaza Strip, and these assassinations are aimed at the military leadership among the factions and the Palestinian resistance, therefore they acted according to the security measures". According to them, "The opposition believes that Israel's need to return to this action is due to the unprecedented response of the Gaza Strip and Lebanon to what happened at the Al-Aqsa Mosque”, referring to the Ramadan rioting and the Israel Police’s intervention which was widely recorded and shared on social media.

In the meantime, Hamas spokesman Hazem Kassem said that "the threats of the Israeli occupation to return to the policy of assassinations against the movement's leaders are a failed attempt to improve its image, after the intensification of the resistance of the Palestinian people and the proliferation of resistance fronts." Kassem added that "the reaction of the opposition to any stupid move by Israel will be greater and wider than it expects, and we will continue the legitimate struggle against the occupation and will not be afraid of it."

Meanwhile, the Israeli ministers part of the security cabinet received an update on the fact that the security establishment is changing its policy against terrorist organizations both in Judea and Samaria and in the Gaza Strip. According to Israeli reports, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed the government ministers not to comment on the targeted countermeasures and made it clear to them that after Independence Day the level of Israeli response will rise, both in Judea and Samaria and in the Gaza Strip.

The security establishment intends to launch more extensive and powerful operations in Judea and Samaria, even at the cost of dragging Gaza into the ongoing threats coming out from Judea and Samaria, and it is estimated that it may lead to a larger conflict.

Through this, Israel seeks to convey a message to the leaders of Hamas, wherever they are, according to which they cannot continue to hide behind their operatives in Judea and Samaria or even in Lebanon, as part of a significant move led by the Israeli security establishment to restore deterrence.

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