The Hezbollah Tent Locations (Source: Alma Education Center)

Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, revealed photos of the tents identified by the IDF on the Israeli side of the border with Lebanon at Mount Dov, as part of a letter of complaint to the UN Security Council. Erdan made it clear that Israel will act with force if the Security Council does not demand that Lebanon remove them. This comes as some local lawmakers are planning their own innovative approach to ensure the security of the area.

In the photos that Ambassador Erdan attached to his letter to the UN Security Council, the two tents erected south of the Blue Line can be seen next to what appears to be a container. The aerial photo also shows a gunman wearing a vest of the "Green Without Borders" organization, which belongs to Hezbollah. Erdan also attached a map to the letter, and The blue line is visible, and the location of the container, the tents, and the positions of Hezbollah. In one of the documents of the tents, operatives of the terrorist organization are also seen standing next to a generator that apparently supplies electricity to the tents.

Meanwhile, the heads of the Israeli villages in Upper Galilee, near Mount Dov, are backing the Israe Defense Forces and are convinced that it will work to evacuate the positions that invaded the sovereign territory of the State of Israel on the heights of the uninhabited mountain. The position is manned 24 hours a day, and in the tents are several armed members of the Shia terrorist organization.

"The security system is free to act as much as necessary in order to maintain the security of the northern settlements. We fully support the right decision," Benny Ben Mobacher, chairman of the Eastern Galilee regional council, told Yedioth Ahronoth. "I understood that this is not a simple event, and I assume that the UN will also be required to react and all the security agencies. We, the heads of the authorities, try not to show any fear or shock from anyone who does something, and we are in continuous and full contact with the commanding elements," he added.

The head of the Golan Regional Council, Haim Rokah, said that he is convinced that "the IDF will know when and how to make this position evacuate itself from Israeli territory." According to him, beyond the security response, the government must take a political response. "The Israeli government should announce the establishment of a new settlement on Mt. Dov and prove our sovereignty. True, they claim that it is a problematic military area and there are no civilians in it and it is possible to penetrate it. I say the opposite - it will only strengthen security and preserve our grip," he said. "I believe that where the plow line passes - that's where the border passes," Rokeh noted that in the past two years, he worked with youth groups who would be willing to build a settlement in the Israeli territory of Mount Dov.

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