The border fence between Egypt and Israel

In recent weeks, Israel and Egypt have held private security talks with the participation of senior officers regarding learning lessons from the terrorist shooting attack in which an Egyptian policeman crossed the border and killed three Israel Defense Forces soldiers.

The newspaper "Al-Arabi Al-Jadid" reported that Egypt rejected the Israeli demand to reduce the number of soldiers stationed along the border to prevent the possibility of a similar attack happening again. The Israeli security officials stated that the shooting attack reflects the existence of hatred of Israel among large sectors in Egypt, even among those who have no political or religious affiliation. 

It was also reported that as an alternative to reducing the number of Egyptian soldiers stationed along the border, Israel offered to provide Egypt with advanced technology and an alert system to detect infiltration attempts through the border. The newspaper reported that Egypt rejected the Israeli proposal to reduce the number of soldiers along the border, but asked to equip the Egyptian army with advanced technology and warning devices.

Meanwhile earlier this week, IDF Lieutenant Colonel Ido Sa'ad, who was removed from his position as commander of the Paran Brigade following the shooting attack on the Egyptian border at the beginning of the month in which Sergeant Lia Ben-Nun, Sergeant Uri Iloz, and Sergeant Ohad Dahan were killed, commented for the first time on the incident. "I am leaving the brigade with my head held high, very proud of what I have done," said Col. Sa'ad at the brigade's exchange of commanders ceremony.

The deposed brigade commander also said: "We must look forward, learn from the incident, and improve from it. Get up, be strong, hug each other, and run together, shoulder to shoulder, in order to win the next battle. Know that I am leaving the brigade with my head held high, proud Very much for the action, and knowing that the men of the brigade will continue and improve in order to carry out the task of protecting the Negev in the best possible way."

The IDF spokesman said after the findings of the investigation into the terrorist attack that no negligence was found that justified more serious measures against the IDF officers, who did not express indifference or lack of concern for the tasks in their conduct, nor did they disobey any direct orders. Lt. Col. Saad has since been replaced with a new commanding officer.

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