In a reversal, Netanyahu now finds it critical to bolster the Palestinian Authority

The Israeli Knesset’s Security Cabinet will convene on Sunday to discuss concessions to the Palestinian Authority. According to the report, in recent days the security establishment recommended to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to take steps to prop up the Palestinian Authority. This comes in the wake of the PA's deteriorating status in the eyes of the Palestinian public.

The issue came up in a discussion with the Prime Minister at the beginning of the week, even before the operation in Jenin, and now staff work is underway to formulate recommendations for relief to the Palestinian Authority. The Security Cabinet discussion was initially planned to take place only in about ten days, but in the shadow of tensions, it was decided to move it forward.

Last month, it was reported that the Palestinian Authority was discussing the possibility of declaring financial bankruptcy because of the difficult financial situation it was in. The meaning of such a decision is the complete closure of the government offices and fear of the loss of what little stability exists in the PA territories.

The financial debts of the Palestinian Authority swelled due to two main reasons, Israel has been deducting an average amount of 40 million NIS from the Palestinian tax revenue Israel collects every month due to the payment of salaries to the families of terrorists jailed in Israeli prisons. In addition, international financial aid to the Palestinian Authority is constantly decreasing every year.

The news of the Knesset meeting comes a few days after the chairman of the Palestinian Authority announced that the leaders of the factions would be invited to an emergency meeting in Cairo. According to a report published by Al- Jazeera, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad refused the invitation due to the arrests of their activists by the Palestinian Authority.

In this context, a member of the Fatah leadership, Azzam Al-Ahmed, stated that "Hamas is putting obstacles in the way of holding an emergency meeting of the factions in Cairo." He said these things after he himself was shamefully expelled along with other senior Fatah officials from the funerals of the dead militants that took place in Jenin when they begged them to leave the place.

Within the Jenin refugee camp, it appears the recent IDF operation increased the popularity of the Islamic Jihad in the sector and their sense of achievement while giving the militants an incentive to strengthen their capabilities, increase their control over the area and continue their attempts to harm Israel. On Thursday night, the Jenin Battalion of the Islamic Jihad accused the Palestinian Authority of "stabbing them in the back", since they arrested two operatives of the Islamic Jihad.

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