The Body of Mahmoud Abu Saan draped in a Hamas flag

During an operation in Tulkarem to apprehend wanted individuals, Israel Defense Forces eliminated Mahmoud Abu Saan, a terrorist on Friday night. This incident occurred after Jihadists hurled a new improvised explosive device (IED) at the IDF personnel.

The funeral ceremony held in Tulkarem showcased the terrorist's body draped in the flag of the Izz ad-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, which is recognized as the Hamas movement's military wing. Interestingly, the same group released a video earlier this week. The footage depicted armed activists in Tulkarem, suggesting the resurgence of its military infrastructure in the city. Concurrently, the Al-Quds Brigades, the Islamic Jihad's military division, referred to the IDF's operation in Tulkarem as a significant confrontation with the "occupation forces."

Their official statement began with a verse from the Quran that urges believers to combat adversaries in Allah's name. The statement detailed how the Islamic Jihad warriors resisted the "Zionist enemy's supremacy," engaged in a "valiant battle," and forced them into retreat without accomplishing their objectives. As per the proclamation, the Islamic Jihad militants unleashed an intense and sustained onslaught on the IDF units active in the city. They also deployed multiple explosive devices, including the potent Seif-1 type, which allegedly has the capability to breach armored transports.

Boasting about their achievements, the Islamic Jihad asserted that their engineering team managed to inflict considerable damage on IDF vehicles by directly striking them with explosive devices. Accompanied by a eulogy for Mahmoud Abu Saan, who lost his life in the crossfire, the Islamic Jihad reaffirmed its unwavering dedication to the memories of the martyrs. They pledged to persevere on their chosen path, defending their homeland "regardless of the sacrifices involved." The declaration ended with the resounding mottos: "Our jihad persists and our arms extend across all fronts" and "This is jihad - triumph or martyrdom in Allah's name."

Notably, less than 12 hours post the gun battle and detentions in Tulkarem, another grievous terrorist assault unfolded in Tel Aviv, claiming the life of a patrolling officer. As per the Tel Aviv Municipality's statement, the perpetrator, identified as Kamal Abu-Bakar, raised the suspicion of two patrolling officers in the vicinity of the incident. On being approached by the officers, Abu-Bakar swiftly drew a firearm and shot one officer, Chen Amir, in the head. The second officer promptly responded, neutralizing the threat. Tragically, Amir succumbed to his injuries at the hospital later.

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