Amongst plastics and carcinogenic waste, tires are commonly burnt in Palestine

Recent monitoring by the Israeli Association of Cities for the Environmental Quality of Samaria, conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Environmental Protection in the Shaar Binyamin industrial zone, revealed alarming levels of aerial particles. These levels surpass the standard safety limits, prompting health concerns.

In response, the Ministry of Health advises residents to steer clear of the affected area. The practice of igniting unauthorized waste sites in Palestinian-controlled territories is not a recent development. Israeli officials have been aware of this persistent issue. A previous investigative report from Yedioth Ahronoth last month shed light on this hazardous activity, emphasizing its detrimental impact on settlements beyond the green line, including places like Rosh Ha'Ayin, Kfar Qassem, and Kfar Saba.

Addressing this issue, a letter dispatched to the Head of the Binyamin Regional Council, Israel Gantz, by both the Ministries of Health and Environmental Protection expressed their concerns: "A recent fire at an unauthorized waste facility near the Geva Binyamin settlement in Samaria has led the Ministry of Environmental Protection to collaborate with the Union of Samaria Cities in monitoring air quality in proximate settlements. Given the heightened particle levels detected, which breach the Clean Air Law standards, both ministries advise the temporary relocation of residents from affected areas until particle concentrations drop to safe levels."

While efforts to mitigate the situation are ongoing, the Civil Administration, with multiple teams on the ground, continues to tackle the fire at the waste site. Their primary strategy involves blanketing the area with soil, employing excavators and trucks non-stop over the last day.

Minister of Environmental Protection, Idit Silman, reached out to Lt. Col. Faris Atila, head of the Civil Administration, urging swift and effective action. She emphasized the urgency to cover the blazing area to prevent further spread of waste burning and smoke hazards. According to Minister Silman, the current interventions have been insufficient in addressing the imminent threats posed by the fire and subsequent smoke.

The Benjamin Regional Council has attributed this incident to intentional arson. They accuse Palestinian residents, who run the illegal waste site, of being responsible for the fire. In a statement, the council mentioned, "The site, situated opposite the Magron settlement in Benjamin, is a notorious hub for unauthorized waste disposal by local Arabs on a large scale. We have repeatedly raised our concerns to the Civil Administration, cautioning them that their lax oversight could result in massive fires and consequent air pollution, jeopardizing the health of thousands."

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