On the eve of Yom Kippur, the IDF and Shin Bet carried out a significant operation at Birzeit University, resulting in the arrest of eight wanted Palestinian individuals. This operation was the culmination of extensive intelligence and investigative efforts over recent months to disrupt the activities of terrorist cells operating within Palestinian universities in Judea and Samaria, specifically those associated with Hamas and known as "Hakatlah Islamia."

During the operation, several terrorist cells operating within Birzeit University were apprehended for questioning. The Shin Bet's investigation uncovered that these individuals had been recruited by Hamas and supplied with weapons and ammunition intended for carrying out terrorist attacks against Israeli targets. The severity of this threat prompted a joint operation by the IDF and Shin Bet, leading to the arrest of the eight wanted individuals who had sought refuge within the university. It is important to note that these suspects were poised to carry out attacks imminently, and the operation coincided with Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism, underscoring the urgency felt by the Israeli security establishment.

Additionally, another wanted individual was apprehended in the vicinity of the village of Birzeit. During the operation, security forces discovered incendiary materials, including Hamas flags, and various undisclosed technological devices.

The IDF, in an official statement, emphasized, "This is yet another example of how the terrorist organization Hamas exploits legitimate institutions to facilitate its terrorist activities and shield its operatives." Furthermore, four other wanted individuals were detained in the village of Khirbat Karma, and both the apprehended suspects and seized materials were transferred to the Shin Bet for further investigation. Fortunately, no casualties were reported among the IDF forces involved in the operation.

This operation followed previous IDF actions in the Nur a-Shams refugee camp, situated east of Tulkarm. Palestinian reports indicated that during the operation, an exchange of fire occurred, resulting in the elimination of two armed terrorists who had thrown explosives at the Israeli forces. Moreover, troops discovered numerous improvised explosive devices (IEDs) buried in the ground using bulldozers and confiscated dozens of additional IEDs hidden in warehouses.

During the handling of the infrastructure, at least two explosive devices detonated. Israeli soldiers also demolished a building that had been used by terrorists to fire at the forces. In the course of these actions, one soldier sustained moderate injuries from shrapnel but received prompt medical treatment.

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