According to a Reuters report, mediators in Qatar are currently working on a deal aimed at securing the release of innocent women and children who were captured by Hamas during the conflict. In exchange, they are seeking the release of 36 Palestinian women and children currently held in Israeli prisons. While this report has generated hope for many, it's important to note that the Israeli government and the IDF have unequivocally stated that there are no ongoing negotiations with Hamas on any matter at this time. This raises doubts about the accuracy of the Reuters report. Nevertheless, it remains crucial to report on the discussions involving Hamas officials and the mediation efforts.

The report indicates that Qatar has been facilitating these discussions in coordination with the United States since Saturday night. A source privy to the details of the talks has mentioned that "the talks are progressing positively." However, as of now, there are no indications of a breakthrough, as both sides appear to be firmly entrenched in their respective positions.

According to Reuters, Qatar has been engaged in talks with Hamas members in both Doha and Gaza. Israeli estimates suggest that between 100 and 150 Israelis were captured in Gaza. Hamas announced yesterday that it is holding "more than 100 prisoners," while Islamic Jihad claimed to have "more than 30." Reports in the media indicate that the planning of the brutal terrorist attack was solely carried out by the Hamas organization, with Islamic Jihad not directly involved. However, once the Gaza Strip's security was breached, Jihad terrorists also joined in, resulting in the tragic loss of innocent Israeli lives.

This Reuters report follows a statement by a Hamas official to the Chinese news agency Xinhua earlier today. The official claimed that Qatar is mediating between Hamas and Israel in an effort to expedite a prisoner exchange deal. According to the report, a senior Hamas official has conveyed to Qatar that the organization is not opposed to a deal that would secure the release of the 36 Palestinian female prisoners held in Israel. Additionally, the Arabic version of "Sky News" has reported that Egypt is also involved in efforts to facilitate a prisoner exchange deal. According to these reports, Hamas is willing to release women who are not affiliated with the military or the security apparatus, along with their children.

In the meantime, the IDF has established a dedicated organization with the aim of identifying and locating the abductees believed to be held in Gaza. Major General Nitzan Alon is overseeing this effort on the intelligence front, in collaboration with the Shin Bet.

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