According to a report initially published by the Associated Press, approximately ten days prior to Hamas's surprise attack on Israeli territory, General Abbas Kamel, the Egyptian Minister of Intelligence, contacted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He warned Netanyahu about an "unusual and highly concerning operation" that was imminent from the Gaza region.

A high-ranking official in Egyptian intelligence mentioned in the report that Kamel was taken aback by Netanyahu's apparent indifference. Sources within Egypt alleged that Netanyahu informed the Egyptian Minister of Intelligence that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and security forces were deeply involved in addressing security issues in Judea and Samaria, where terrorism against Israel was originating. According to Egyptian intelligence sources, Israeli generals conveyed that they had the situation in Gaza, particularly along the border, under control. The source claimed, "We repeatedly cautioned them that the situation would escalate very soon, and it would be significant. However, they underestimated the gravity of our warnings," as reported by the Associated Press.

In response, the Prime Minister's Office refuted these claims, stating, "The assertion that Prime Minister Netanyahu received a prior warning from Egypt is entirely false. No such warning was received from Egypt, and the Prime Minister has not had any direct or indirect communication or meetings with the Egyptian intelligence chief since the formation of the government. This is complete fake news."

The coordinated surprise attack on Israel, which resulted in the loss of at least 700 lives and the kidnapping of over 150 individuals, commenced at 6:29 AM on a Saturday. Alarms sounded in the central and southern regions of Israel, with Tel Aviv being alerted four minutes later. Amidst heavy rocket fire, which continued almost uninterrupted for the first half-hour and had already resulted in thousands of rockets launched, Hamas also launched aerial and sea attacks.

Simultaneously, Hamas members breached fences and checkpoints, allowing terrorists to move freely into villages near the fence, as well as towards the Zikim base and the headquarters of the major Gaza division near Kibbutz Reโ€™im. In addition to these locations, Hamas also targeted Kfar Gaza, Magen, Beโ€™eri, Sofa, and the city of Sderot. Several hours into the surprise attack, Hamas maintained control over at least three of these towns. Furthermore, through breaches in the fence, terrorists continued to infiltrate Israeli territory from Gaza.

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