As Israeli forces continue their operations in Gaza while also safeguarding the Lebanese border, security forces have made significant arrests in Judea and Samaria between Saturday and Sunday. These arrests included 33 Hamas operatives, alongside the seizure of illegal weapons and terrorist funds.

Throughout the region of Judea and Samaria, dozens of individuals suspected of involvement in terrorist activities were apprehended, with the confiscation of funds amounting to 50,000 NIS.

According to an announcement by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), a significant operation in the Arab village of Tel yielded the seizure of numerous weapons, including a pistol, two assault rifles, ammunition, and military equipment. In the village of Yavd, over 50,000 NIS destined for terrorist activities was confiscated. Furthermore, in the villages of Beit Omer and Beit Rima, a weapon and a pistol were successfully seized.

In addition to these operations, incidents of violence unfolded in various areas. In a small village under the Benjamin regional council, a violent disturbance took place, involving the throwing of stones, bricks, and explosives. In response, the IDF personnel used gunfire to quell the unrest. A similar situation occurred in the Jilzon refugee camp, where protesters threw stones, explosives, and Molotov cocktails. The Israeli forces present responded with measures aimed at dispersing the demonstrators.

Violent disturbances also erupted in Beit Rima and Salafit, involving the hurling of stones, burning of tires, and the use of Molotov cocktails against the security forces. The IDF responded with live fire and actions to disperse the protests. In Tubas, armed individuals opened fire on the security forces, prompting a response in kind. Injuries were reported on the side of the attackers.

It is noteworthy that since the commencement of the conflict, around 330 individuals wanted for various reasons have been arrested across Judea, Samaria, and the Jordan Valley. A significant portion of these arrests, over 190, are associated with the terrorist organization Hamas.

Meanwhile, the IDF is making preparations for a substantial deployment of tens of thousands of soldiers into the Gaza Strip, as reported by The New York Times on Saturday evening. The specific objectives of this deployment remain uncertain. Questions persist about whether Israel intends to occupy the Strip or if there are alternate plans for Gaza once the ground operation concludes and Hamas is stripped of its power.

In response to the Israeli attack on Gaza, the Iranian delegation to the United Nations expressed concerns that the situation could escalate, potentially resulting in far-reaching consequences. Iranian representatives placed the responsibility for what they termed "Israeli war crimes" squarely on the United Nations and its Security Council.

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