Throughout Israel, survivors of the Hamas attack are currently staying in hotels while receiving various types of care from Israeli volunteers and the government. In the David Hotel located at the Dead Sea, there are currently 400 members of the Beโ€™eri Kibbutz in residence. They can often be seen sitting in small groups in the lobby, engaged in hushed conversations. The quietness of the environment is such that you can hear the soothing sounds of the waterfall on the floor below and the clinking of spoons in the nearby cafe corner. Periodically, official updates are received, containing the names of friends, boys, or girls who tragically lost their lives in the kibbutz massacre. It's become a somber, yet formal, routine.

Kibbutz Beโ€™eri has already confirmed about 40 casualties, with another 70 individuals still awaiting identification. Additionally, they are aware of at least ten abductees. The remaining survivors have been relocated to a hotel by the Dead Sea, where their every need is being attended to as best as possible. Psychologists are gently working with the children and young parents, aiming to coax out testimonies that might offer some solace. Communication, it seems, is paramountโ€”expressing their experiences is a step toward healing.

Mika Bergles, a Beโ€™eri resident, noted, "Everyone here has lost someone, whether it's a family member or a close friend. There's not a single person here who doesn't know someone who was lost. The pain is beyond words. We're trying to regroup, rebuild, and contemplate our return home. There's anger, too, a great deal of it. Personally, I don't trust anyone, neither the state nor the army. We felt abandoned. Beโ€™eri paid a heavy toll in defending our country. If we hadn't been there, they would have come everywhere. Right now, it's vital for everyone to understand that we won't return home as long as Hamas or any other terrorist organization is in Gaza. It's a matter of us or them."

Alon Pauker, a professional historian, offered his perspective: "In reality, everyone who survived the ordeal is here in this hotel, with a few additional families scattered in other hotels. This war has permanently altered us, but we are resilient and are contemplating what comes next, how to rebuild our lives." He, like Mika, emphasized, "We will rise and rebuild, but only when the IDF eradicates Hamas from the Strip."

Within the hotel, Beโ€™eri members have organized a comprehensive support system for their community. They also provide special care to orphaned children, enveloping them in sensitivity and abundant love. "On one hand, we lack nothing, but on the other hand, we've lost everything," another survivor conveyed to Israeli reporters. "We've lost friends and family members. Nothing will ever be the same again."

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