A substantial exchange of gunfire is currently underway between Israeli security forces and terrorists in the refugee camp near Tulkarm. A combat helicopter is actively engaged in the area as well. These forces are executing an operation aimed at disrupting terrorist infrastructure as part of an arrest activity. It's noteworthy that this operation in Tulkarm has been ongoing since last night.

Between Wednesday and Thursday, security forces conducted a divisional operation to combat terrorism in the Nor al-Shams refugee camp within the Menashe division. During this operation, they took several actions, including demolishing the residence of a known operative affiliated with the terrorist organization Hamas. This individual was involved in a shooting attack near Kedumim, in which Sergeant Shilo Yosef Amir tragically lost his life. Additionally, five individuals who were wanted by authorities were arrested.

Following the surprise attack by Hamas on October 7, the IDF increased its presence in the Central Command and the Judea and Samaria Division to enhance security in the region and prevent further terrorist incidents. At that time, the IDF reinforced its troops across various sectors, totaling more than 30 battalions and regional defense battalions actively operating in Judea and Samaria. These forces are deployed in different areas, including settlements and along the Seam fence, and they operate around the clock, both overtly and covertly, prepared for any potential scenario.

Simultaneously, there was a detection of anti-tank fire originating from Lebanon aimed at the vicinity of Kibbutz Manara in the Galilee. In response, the IDF is taking action to address the source of this fire. The Upper Galilee Regional Council has advised residents at Kibbutz Manara to seek shelter in protected areas.

Brigadier General Daniel Hagari issued a statement to the media, stating, "Over the past day, we have successfully destroyed and targeted numerous terrorist infrastructures and continued to neutralize terrorists. IDF forces have conducted operations and gathered intelligence regarding abducted and missing individuals. The task of clearing the area is ongoing, as it remains a combat zone. Just yesterday, we apprehended an exhausted terrorist en route to Gaza." He also noted that the IDF is committed to ensuring the readiness of its forces for the next phases of the operation, and thus far, families of 203 abductees have been notified.

Addressing the situation in the north, Hagari mentioned, "The Air Force has been conducting ongoing attacks against Hezbollah, with the objective of identifying and targeting all of the organization's observation systems. Any hostile actions from their side will receive a significant response from our forces."

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