In a significant development, an IDF fighter jet launched an airstrike on a mosque in Jenin during the night spanning Saturday to Sunday. The strike was conducted to neutralize a group of five terrorists who had been planning an imminent terrorist attack, as reported by both the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) and Shin Bet. This operation marked a historic event as it was the first time the IDF had deployed a fighter jet for an attack in Judea and Samaria since the Second Intifada. Notably, no ground forces were deployed following the airstrike.

The terrorists targeted and eliminated in this operation were affiliated with Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. They had sought refuge within a concealed tunnel located inside the Al-Ansari mosque in Jenin. According to the IDF and Shin Bet, this group had been responsible for a series of attacks over recent months. Security officials have revealed that the squad had been planning a large-scale, coordinated attack in Samaria, taking inspiration from a recent Hamas massacre in the Gaza Strip. The terrorists were found to be in possession of grenades and an arsenal of other weapons.

The last known attack attributed to this group occurred on October 14 near the separation fence when they detonated a bomb remotely using a cell phone. Thankfully, there were no casualties in that incident. Recent intelligence reports had indicated that the terrorists were actively planning another attack.

The Al-Ansari Mosque had been repurposed by the terrorists as an operational headquarters for planning and launching attacks. During Operation "Beit VeGan" in the Jenin refugee camp last July, IDF forces discovered terrorist infrastructure and weapons concealed within the mosque.

In recent days, the IDF has intensified its operations in Judea and Samaria, including the demolition of three homes belonging to terrorists. A security source emphasized the significance of this development, stating, "This is a precedent-setting incident. We are actively countering Hamas in Judea and Samaria, utilizing all available means. Three house demolitions in such a short time frame is an extraordinary event, and we are committed to increasing our efforts in this regard."

On a related note, the destruction of a terrorist's house in Kfar Kibiya, who was responsible for an attack near Kedumim resulting in the loss of Sgt. Shilo Yosef Amir, occurred on Thursday. The subsequent day, the house of the terrorist responsible for the attack at the Eli junction was demolished in Kfar Urif. Finally, on Saturday, the house of the terrorist involved in the attack at the Almog junction, which tragically claimed the life of American citizen Elan Ganeles, was also destroyed.

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