CNN has recently disclosed new and intricate details concerning how Hamas meticulously planned and executed its devastating surprise attack on October 7, while successfully concealing it from Israeli intelligence. According to the report, this sinister scheme spanned over two long years and was orchestrated by a small, covert cell of operatives within the terrorist organization. Astonishingly, these operatives maintained their communications through an underground network of telephone lines nestled deep within the labyrinthine Hamas tunnels in the Gaza Strip, a subterranean web often referred to as the "Metro of Gaza."

What makes this revelation even more remarkable is that these terrorists deliberately avoided modern communication devices such as computers and mobile phones, which could have been more easily traced by Israeli intelligence. The CNN report relies on information from two credible sources familiar with intelligence shared by Israel with the United States. It reveals that even among the majority of terrorists who eventually took part in the invasion of Israel, the activities of this cell responsible for the attack's preparations remained a closely guarded secret. Despite undergoing various training programs under Hamas, these terrorists were only exposed to the intricate plan a mere few days before its actual execution.

The employment of "outdated" communication technology to evade Israeli intelligence may appear unconventional, but it is not without precedent. CNN cites an Israeli source, stating that during the "Beit VeGan" operation in the Jenin refugee camp last July, a similar communication system based on telephone lines was exposed. In addition to secure phone lines, Israeli forces that raided the refugee camp discovered a network of closed-circuit surveillance cameras, designed to provide early warnings about the movements of Israeli security forces.

CNN's report adds to a growing body of publications over the past two weeks that have scrutinized the intelligence and operational failures contributing to the deadliest terrorist attack in Israel's history. This horrific event resulted in the loss of 1,400 lives, including innocent infants, children, women, and the elderly, with over 200 individuals being kidnapped and taken to Gaza.

One of the critical elements of this tragedy is the Israeli "conception" that both the political and military echelons believed in—the belief that Hamas had been "deterred" and was inclined to continue reaping the economic benefits agreed upon following the Gaza operation in 2021. However, this conviction was severely challenged by publicized Hamas and Islamic Jihad training exercises that had not been perceived as significant threats by Israel.

Furthermore, the New York Times recently published a report revealing that Hamas terrorists possessed surprising intelligence about the Israel Defense Forces' (IDF) operational tactics. This included knowledge of specific military unit locations and estimations of the time it would take for reinforcements to arrive and bolster IDF forces in the event of an attack.

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