The IDF soldiers operating in the Gaza Strip displayed the Israeli flag on a building during their operation. This symbolic act was carried out by members of the 52nd Battalion from the 401st Armored Corps Brigade. One of the soldiers who captured the moment on video stated, "We will not forget, we will not forgive, and we will not stop until victory." This gesture resonated with many in Israel, and Israeli activist Yoseph Haddad commented on the viral video, saying, "The Israeli flag is flying in Gaza. They wanted to break us - we will break them."

Over the course of the last day, IDF warplanes conducted airstrikes on more than 450 Hamas military targets throughout the Gaza Strip. These targets included military headquarters, observation posts, and anti-tank firing positions used by the terrorist organization. Concurrently, ground forces engaged in combat operations against terrorist squads attempting to attack them and those planning to fire anti-tank weapons. Aircraft were also deployed to strike ground targets.

During the night, an IDF officer was seriously injured due to a mortar strike in the northern Gaza Strip, and another soldier sustained moderate injuries during an encounter with terrorists in the same area. Both were promptly evacuated for medical treatment.

Additionally, Israeli security forces conducted operations in Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley, resulting in the arrest of 23 individuals, four of whom are suspected terrorists affiliated with Hamas. Numerous weapons were confiscated during these operations, despite suspects resorting to explosives and exchanges of fire. Fortunately, there were no casualties among the Israeli forces. Since the beginning of the conflict, more than 1,030 wanted individuals have been arrested in Judea and Samaria, with around 700 belonging to Hamas.

Regarding internet connectivity, the organization NetBlocks, which monitors such disruptions worldwide, reported a gradual return of internet service in Gaza. Internet connectivity in the Gaza Strip had progressively declined since the start of the conflict until it collapsed the previous Friday.

Residents in the vicinity of the Gaza Strip reported sleepless nights due to the ongoing commotion and attacks. It appears that the IDF is utilizing the time available before a potential full ground invasion to target and neutralize Hamas's capabilities, particularly those that could impede Israeli ground troops.

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