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In a significant gathering in New York, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump hosted a private meeting featuring Qatar's Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Abdul Rahman al-Thani and an assembly of Jewish businessmen and billionaires. This meeting, held last Wednesday, had bipartisan attendance and was notable for its inclusion of prominent figures. The America-based news organization Axios reportedly had the scoop on the meeting.

Central to this discussion was Qatar's critical role in mediating between Israel and Hamas during their ongoing conflict. The Qatari Prime Minister, a key figure in these negotiations, particularly focused on discussions regarding the release of hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.

The attendees were given insights into Qatar's efforts to secure the release of hostages, as well as its relationship with Hamas. Sheikh Mohammed, who has been instrumental in liaising with both the Trump and Biden administrations on Afghanistan matters, elaborated on these points.

Kushner, known for his close relationship with the Qatari prime minister since their collaborative efforts during the Trump administration, facilitated this engagement. Their past work successfully resolved a rift between Qatar and other Arab nations in the Persian Gulf, culminating in an agreement signed shortly before President Trump's term ended.

The timing of the Prime Minister's visit was concurrent with his role at a UN Security Council meeting addressing the Gaza crisis. His presence in New York aligned with ongoing negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza, with Hamas agreeing to release more women and children hostages following their attack on Israel.

Qatar's relationship with Hamas has drawn increasing attention and concern, particularly from U.S. Congress members and Jewish organizations. The nation has been under scrutiny for its ties with Hamas, especially considering the attacks from the Gaza region, which Qatar has supported. Despite this, Qatar's role in mediating the hostage release has been acknowledged, and further discussions are anticipated post-conflict.

Kushner arranged this meeting at Coco's, a private restaurant in Manhattan, with a notable guest list including business leaders and political figures.

Sheikh Mohammed emphasized to the attendees that Qatar's relationship with Hamas, including its hosting in Doha, was initially backed by the Bush administration in 2006. This relationship continued with the support of subsequent U.S. administrations, who encouraged open channels with Hamas for Gaza's stability. He also highlighted that Qatar's substantial financial aid to Gaza over the past five years, meant for salaries, fuel, and aid, was in coordination with and approved by the Israeli government.

Post-White House, Kushner has established a private equity fund focusing on investments in the Persian Gulf, with significant backing from a Qatari company.

The meeting ended with mixed reactions from the participants. While some gained a more nuanced understanding of Qatar's role in Gaza, others remained skeptical about Qatar's future actions regarding Hamas and the nature of this relationship.

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