The message sent out via the internet saying there was no internet

In a significant but odd development amidst the escalating conflict in the Gaza Strip, the Hamas-controlled Palestinian Ministry of Communication reported last night, through a social media post, that there was a major disruption to communication services. This outage, affecting fixed mainlines, mobile networks, and internet connectivity, has been attributed to the ongoing Israeli military operations in the region. This "outage" has not managed to affect the Palestinians in Gaza from uploading videos to Telegram or communicating via other social media applications.

Paltel, the primary telecom provider in the Palestinian territories, also confirmed a complete shutdown of communication services in Gaza City and the northern parts of the Gaza Strip, again using the internet and a social media post to do so. This disruption is a direct consequence of damages inflicted on crucial network infrastructure. In a statement issued on Monday, Paltel expressed deep regret over the cessation of communication and internet services, highlighting the re-disconnection of previously restored main pathways.

Laith Daraghmeh, Executive Director of the Ministry's Department of Communications, urged international organizations and unions to heed previous warnings about maintaining communication services. Daraghmeh emphasized the vital need for uninterrupted connectivity, especially given the harsh humanitarian conditions and intensified Israeli bombardment.

"The continuous shelling by Israeli forces has not only jeopardized civilian lives but also crippled essential services. The international community must step in to ensure that communication channels remain open for civilians, medical facilities, and media personnel," Daraghmeh stated.

NetBlocks, a global cybersecurity watchdog, corroborated these reports, noting a "near-total internet blackout" in the area. For most residents, this equates to a complete loss of communication capabilities. However, in contradiction to these statements, last night in front of the Nasser hospital, hundreds of Palestinians were taking videos as key Hamas figures were brought into the hospital after an apparent Israeli strike. Videos footage of one leader, suspected to be Hamas's political leader in Gaza, Nizar Awadallah was upladed to Telegram during the time that the ministry claims services were cut. 

This announcement aligns with the intensification of Israeli airstrikes across Gaza. The military escalation, which Israel expanded on October 7 following an attack by Hamas fighters that resulted in 1,200 Israeli casualties, has led to the fourth major communication blackout since the conflict's onset.

The Hamas-run Palestinian Health Ministry released a statement detailing the dire consequences of the renewed Israeli strikes. Since the resumption of hostilities after a seven-day truce, hundreds of Palestinians have reportedly lost their lives in various areas of Gaza.

A temporary ceasefire that started on November 24 was extended twice but concluded on December 1. The conflict, which reignited on October 7, has led to a staggering toll on the Palestinian population. According to figures released by Hamas, over 15,899 Palestinians, including more than 6,200 children and 4,000 women, have been killed, with an additional 41,316 injured.

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