A snippet from a video posted on Telegram of the Nir Zvi scene July 14th

The investigation into yesterday's heinous car-ramming attack at the Nir Zvi intersection persists, highlighting the relentless struggle to save the lives of two severely injured victims. Among the four soldiers struck near the Zirifin base, two are battling grave injuries, with one soldier clinging precariously to life. The Shamir Assaf Harofeh Hospital reported this morning (Monday) that while two victims have been discharged, the critically injured soldiers remain hospitalized.

One of these brave soldiers is fighting a valiant battle for survival. His condition is highly unstable, with injuries affecting multiple vital systems. The dedicated medical staff at Shamir Assaf Harofeh Hospital have stabilized the other severely injured soldier, whose condition, although serious, has now been upgraded to stable.

These four injured soldiers, valiant fighters who have already faced the horrors of war during their service tours in the Gaza Strip, were at the station en route to their injury rehabilitation appointments at the Zerifin base. A medical official who treated them revealed to the Israeli news channel "N12" that these soldiers have witnessed unspeakable horrors and lost comrades during their military service.

The perpetrator of this vicious attack has been identified as Muhammad Al-Alab Mahmoud Shahab, a 27-year-old resident of Kfar Aqab, north of Jerusalem. Despite a gag order, it can be disclosed that significant progress has been made in the investigation. 

The Al-Mujahideen terrorist organization, a terror faction in Judea, Samaria and a small presence in Gaza, issued a statement in which they claimed responsibility for the car ramming attack. As of now, the Israeli investigators have not commented on this admission by a fringe terror group, however Israel is typcially quiet on details as investigations are under way.

Shahab executed his malevolent plan in a Toyota vehicle, recklessly accelerating into a bus stop where the soldiers were waiting. He then made a U-turn and rammed the bus stop a second time, demonstrating a clear intent to inflict maximum harm. Fortunately, reserve Border Patrol officers swiftly neutralized the terrorist, preventing further casualties.

Superintendent Barik Yitzhak, the Commander of the Border Guard, lauded the officers at the scene: "Your professional and commendable actions are truly noteworthy. This neutralization is of immense importance during these challenging times with numerous alerts. You performed your duties with utmost professionalism and seriousness. You have full backing for this activity. Well done to all of you. You prove to everyone that the reserve units in the Border Guard division of the Israel Police department are the most serious and high-quality formation that strengthens the Israel Police."

The bravery and swift response of the Border Patrol officers underscore the resilience and strength of Israel's security forces in the face of terror. The nation stands united, praying for the swift recovery of the injured soldiers and reaffirming its commitment to combating terrorism with unwavering resolve.

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