Video snippet from an Israel Police video announcing the new ambulances

As a direct response to the catastrophic events of October 7th, which saw search and rescue forces unable to enter active battle zones to treat the wounded, the Israel Police has inaugurated four groundbreaking bulletproof ambulances. The absence of protected emergency vehicles during the crisis tragically cost hundreds of lives. This unprecedented initiative, made possible by the generous donations from the nonprofits "Israel Friends" and "Let's Do Something," aims to provide the Israel Police’s elite units with the necessary tools to save lives in future emergency scenarios.

Israel Police Commissioner, Yaakov (Coby) Shabtai said: "We have only recently finished debriefing the events of October 7th. There were officers evacuated in private vehicles that were exposed to gunfire. Armored ambulances are especially necessary for special units operating in difficult areas."

A Ceremony of Honor and Hope

In a modest yet profoundly significant ceremony, the new armored ambulances were presented. Attendees included Police Commissioner Coby Shabtai, Chief Medical Officer of the Israel Police Dr. Valerie Shoshan, teams from the nonprofits, and donor representatives. These B6 Armored Protection ambulances boast ballistic glass windows designed to withstand shots from AK-47s, pistols, and assault rifles. Their steel-plated doors create an armored capsule, ensuring maximum protection while maintaining the vehicle’s lightness to facilitate maneuverability. The ambulances are also equipped with an armored roof, intercom system, run-flat tires, emergency lights, and specialized cameras.

Revolutionizing Emergency Medical Response

Previously, armored ambulances were the exclusive domain of Israel's National Counter Terrorism Unit (Yamam). However, the new fleet will now serve various elite units of the Israel Police, including Yamas (Israel Border Police's undercover counter-terrorism unit), the Gideonim (a specialized undercover counter-terrorism unit), Yasam (special patrol), and other units. Additionally, these ambulances will bolster the capabilities of the police’s medical facilities, enhancing their response to future crises.

The Heroes Behind the Donations

"Let's Do Something," one of the nonprofits responsible for donating these ambulances, was born out of tragedy. On October 8th, a group of five lifelong friends, reeling from the loss of their close friend David Newman at the Nova festival, decided to take action. Within 24 hours of identifying David's body in the south, these friends mobilized to support their country, ultimately raising over 15 million dollars to aid 10,000 soldiers and 50,000 civilians affected by the massacre. CEO Baruch Epsdorf eloquently stated, "One who saves a life saves the world entire. Armored ambulances represent a precise and straightforward choice of unique lifesaving, with no calculation. We are proud to be part of this movement."

Similarly, the nonprofit Israel Friends was established in the wake of the October 7th terrorist attack. Their streamlined donation efforts have secured approximately 500 tons of equipment—worth around 26 million dollars—for the IDF and Israel’s security forces since the onset of the war.

A Commitment to Protect and Serve

"We have only recently finished debriefing the events of October 7th. There were officers evacuated in private vehicles that were exposed to gunfire," remarked Israel Police Commissioner Yaakov Shabtai during the ceremony. "Armored ambulances are necessary in areas where rescue forces cannot reach, especially for special units operating in difficult zones and regions far from medical centers. This is an initial response to save lives," he concluded, presenting a recognition award on behalf of the Israel Police to the representatives of the donating organizations.

Jordan Fried, an American investor and entrepreneur who co-founded Israel Friends, emphasized the critical need for armored ambulances exposed during the barbaric Hamas attack on October 7th. "In the barbaric attack by the terrorist organization Hamas on the towns of the Gaza envelope on October 7th, we were exposed to the significant need for armored ambulances for the security forces, which if they had existed, could have saved many lives. As an organization that arose specifically after the massacre, with the aim of helping the State of Israel, we chose to raise the gauntlet and donate the first four ambulances to the Israel Police. We stand and will always stand by the State of Israel, praying for better days."

Israel Friends' CEO, Kyle Blank, added, "On October 7th, the whole world was exposed to the supreme heroism and bravery of the Israeli police officers, who served as a buffer and shield between the murderers of Hamas and the citizens of Israel – saving many lives with self-sacrifice. Since October 7th, we have seen 63 police heroes who gave their lives protecting our homes. These heroes and the other 35,000 officers who work every day to protect our streets have signed up for an incredibly challenging job. There is no doubt that the new armored ambulances we have the privilege of donating will significantly help the work of the police in future emergencies, in the hope that they will not occur again. The Israel Friends organization salutes the Israel Police and will always stand by their side."

A Bright Future for Israel's Safety

The introduction of these bulletproof ambulances marks a historic moment in Israel’s emergency response capabilities. It signifies a commitment to the safety of both the police forces and the citizens they protect. As the nation continues to heal and rebuild, these armored ambulances will stand as a testament to the unwavering support and solidarity of those who believe in Israel's right to self-defense and peace.

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