The moment an IAF strike hit the Houthi controlled port in Yemen (video snippet)

A Hezbollah spokesman revealed the Houthis' ambitious plans for a “fifth stage” in their ongoing war against Israel. This phase is set to target gas rigs and energy facilities in a bid to significantly escalate the conflict. The representative from Iran’s Lebanese terror proxy detailed these intentions in an interview with the Hezbollah-affiliated Al Akhbar newspaper, highlighting an array of sophisticated, long-range weaponry and surprise operations aimed at unprecedented targets.

A Multi-Faceted Assault on Israel’s Energy Security

The Houthis' strategy, according to Hezbollah sources, involves not only heightened attacks on Israeli ships and assets but also the introduction of advanced, high-quality weaponry that purportedly defies interception. The planned strikes are a direct retaliation for what the Houthis perceive as Israeli aggression in Yemen, including a significant attack on the Houthi-controlled Hodeida port following a deadly drone assault on Tel Aviv.

Key among the Houthis’ targets are Israel’s prominent natural gas fields, Leviathan and Tamar, located in the Mediterranean Sea. These fields are critical to Israel’s energy supply and economic stability, making them prime targets in the Houthis' campaign.

Expanding the Target Bank

In response to the Israeli strike on Hodeida, the Yemeni militia has reportedly expanded its “target bank” to include a broader array of strategic assets. Sources close to the Yemeni rebels, quoted by Al-Akhbar, indicate that military leaders are now eyeing several Israeli Mediterranean ports, including Ashdod, Ashkelon, and Haifa, as well as the Red Sea port of Eilat.

Broader Regional Implications

The Houthis’ ambitions extend beyond direct attacks on Israeli soil. They plan to disrupt maritime trade routes, particularly those involving oil tankers transporting fuel from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan to Israel. By targeting maritime trade in the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean, the Houthis aim to create a broader economic impact, threatening “enemy maritime trade” along the strategic Cape of Good Hope route. This route, although longer than the Suez Canal passage, has gained popularity due to the increased Houthi activity in the Red Sea.

A Coordinated Effort with Iran-Backed Allies

This new phase of aggression is not isolated. It is a coordinated effort involving other members of the Axis of Resistance — Iran-backed paramilitary groups in Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria. Together, these groups form a formidable coalition aimed at undermining Israeli and Western interests in the region.

The heightened threat underscores the volatile nature of the Middle Eastern geopolitical landscape and the far-reaching implications of the ongoing conflict. As the Houthis prepare to unleash a new wave of attacks, the international community watches with bated breath, aware that the consequences could reverberate well beyond the immediate region.


The announcement by Hezbollah and the Houthis marks a significant escalation in the conflict with Israel, with potential repercussions for global energy markets and regional stability. The use of advanced weaponry and the targeting of critical infrastructure signal a dangerous new chapter in this protracted struggle. As tensions mount, the world remains on edge, awaiting the unfolding of these high-stakes maneuvers.

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