An image of Hitler with Netanyahu underneath that Albanese agreed with

In a controversy that has sparked outrage and condemnation, UN Palestine Rapporteur Francesca Albanese is under fire from U.S. officials for endorsing a highly provocative social media post. The post, which equated Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, has been labeled as 'antisemitic' by critics.

Francesca Albanese, an Italian lawyer and academic, faced immediate and stern backlash from American officials, including Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. envoy to the United Nations. Thomas-Greenfield, along with other American representatives, renewed their calls for Albanese’s removal from her UN position, citing her evident anti-Israeli bias since her appointment.

The controversy began on Thursday when Albanese responded to a post on X (formerly Twitter) by Craig Mokhiber, a former UN human rights official. Mokhiber's post featured a juxtaposition of two images: one of Adolf Hitler being celebrated by a Nazi crowd, and the other of Benjamin Netanyahu being greeted by the U.S. Congress. Mokhiber captioned the post with, "History is always watching."

Albanese’s response, "This is precisely what I was thinking today," quickly drew widespread criticism. Her endorsement of such a comparison was seen as not only deeply offensive but also historically and morally inappropriate. The backlash was swift, with many accusing her of perpetuating antisemitism and undermining her role as a neutral UN official.

The incident has intensified scrutiny of Albanese’s past actions and statements, with critics highlighting a pattern of bias against Israel. Calls for her ouster have gained momentum, as many argue that her continued presence in the role undermines the credibility and impartiality of the United Nations.

This episode has further strained relations within the UN and between the UN and the U.S., adding to the ongoing debate about the role and responsibilities of international officials in addressing sensitive geopolitical issues. The comparison of Netanyahu to Hitler is seen by many as a dangerous and inflammatory rhetoric that has no place in responsible discourse, especially within international bodies dedicated to peace and human rights.

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