An Israeli soldier says "kaddish" for a fallen WWI British soldier in Gaza (video clip)

In a chilling revelation, a document recently uncovered by Israeli forces in Gaza unveils a macabre scheme by Hamas to desecrate the graves of British and Commonwealth soldiers as part of a calculated attempt to manipulate international politics. The plot, as reported by The Telegraph and later echoed by The Sun and Daily Mail, underscores the terror group's ruthless strategies and its willingness to exploit even the dead for political gain.

The cemetery in question, maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) for over a century, holds the remains of more than 3,000 soldiers who fought in the World Wars. These troops, many of whom perished in 1917 during the fierce battles against the Ottoman Empire, are honored as part of the legacy of British military history in the region. The graves are a solemn reminder of the sacrifices made during the conflict that ultimately led to British rule in Palestine.

However, Hamas, known for its brutal tactics and disregard for human dignity, allegedly planned to exhume these soldiers’ remains and use them as pawns in a vile scheme to pressure the British government. The document, dated October 5, 2022, outlines an insidious plan to coerce the UK into reversing its stance on Jerusalem. This followed then-Prime Minister Liz Truss’s bold announcement to relocate the British embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem—a move that infuriated Hamas and other anti-Israel factions.

The terror group’s demands were not only confined to reversing the embassy decision. They also included a ludicrous request for "lease fees" for the cemetery land dating back to 1917. The document menacingly warned that if these demands were not met, the bodies of the fallen soldiers would be exhumed and held "captive"—a grotesque form of blackmail that would shock the conscience of the international community.

Israeli officials, who have scrutinized the document, emphasized the gravity of the threat. “The tactic depicted in this document is intended to quite literally terrorize the people of the UK as a whole in order to influence political decisions,” an Israeli official told The Telegraph. The official also warned that such tactics could be employed again in the future, highlighting the ongoing threat posed by Hamas not only to Israel but to global stability.

The document, found in a plastic sleeve amid a cache of materials related to Hamas’ dealings with Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations, was marked with the code name “M’Raed.” Israeli intelligence suggests this might refer to Raed Salim Khalek, the head of the Information and OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) department within Hamas’ military intelligence directorate—a key figure in the group’s sinister machinations.

This shocking revelation comes at a time of heightened tension in the region, as British Foreign Secretary David Lammy arrived in Israel to negotiate a ceasefire in Gaza. With talks in Doha reportedly nearing a deal, the discovery of this document serves as a stark reminder of the lengths to which Hamas is willing to go to achieve its objectives. The threat of desecrating war graves to manipulate political outcomes is a new low, even for a group with a long history of terrorism and brutality.

As the world watches, the actions of Hamas continue to expose the true nature of the organization—one that not only targets the living but is also willing to exploit the dead to further its radical agenda. This revelation should galvanize international resolve to confront and condemn such despicable acts, ensuring that the memory of those who gave their lives in the cause of freedom is honored and protected from such barbaric exploitation.

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