Blast doors in some tunnel areas have hindered IDF forces (video clip)

The recent revelations from internal Hamas documents have pulled back the curtain on the terror group’s extensive preparations for subterranean warfare against the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Meticulously crafted manuals, approved by Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, detail a chilling commitment to building and fortifying Gaza’s underground tunnel system to wage war, slow Israeli advances, and maximize casualties.

Blast-Proof Doors and Night Vision: A Glimpse into Hamas’ Tunnel Tactics

Captured by the IDF during operations in Gaza, the documents reveal that Hamas has been refining its tunnel strategies for years. One particularly telling document is a training manual, which instructs Hamas fighters on maneuvering through tunnels with night vision goggles and guiding each other by placing hands on the person ahead. This approach not only enhances stealth but ensures coordinated movement in pitch-black environments, leveraging the tunnel’s claustrophobic dimensions to turn them into deadly combat zones.

The documents, including a letter signed by Sinwar himself, indicate that Hamas has invested significantly in upgrading these tunnels, including the installation of explosion-resistant armored doors. These enhancements are not mere upgrades; they are strategic assets designed to thwart Israeli forces at every turn. The armored doors not only block direct access but also divide tunnels into isolated sections, making it increasingly difficult for the IDF to use drones to map and navigate these subterranean mazes.

Meticulous Planning and Deadly Intentions: The Hamas Tunnel Warfare Manual

Dating back to 2019, the Hamas tunnel warfare manual provides a disturbing insight into the group's readiness to exploit the underground battlegrounds of Gaza. It outlines specific instructions on camouflaging tunnel entrances, using GPS and compasses to locate hidden shafts, and efficiently moving through the network. It even includes precise measurements down to the second for how long fighters should take to traverse key points within the tunnels, emphasizing the importance of speed and stealth.

The manual’s instructions on combat are equally grim. Fighters are told to use automatic weapons set to shoulder-fire mode, maximizing the lethal potential of each shot within the narrow confines of the tunnels. With one hand on the tunnel wall and the other on the weapon, these fighters are trained to target vital areas of their enemies’ bodies—an approach designed to inflict maximum damage.

Sinwar’s Blueprint for Tunnel Fortifications: A War Room in the Earth

A letter from Sinwar to Mohammed Deif, Hamas’ military leader, further reveals the financial priorities of Hamas’ tunnel efforts. According to the letter, Sinwar approved $225,000 for the installation of explosion-resistant doors, signaling an acute awareness of where the fiercest battles were anticipated. Most of these funds were earmarked for tunnels in northern Gaza and Khan Yunis, regions that later became hotspots of intense combat. Sinwar’s correspondence underscores the strategic foresight in fortifying critical underground locations well in advance of conflict.

These armored doors represent a newer tactic for Hamas, not employed during previous conflicts like Operation Protective Edge in 2014. Now, they are a recurring obstacle for the IDF, which often encounters these barriers upon entry. In some instances, Hamas fighters are even seen collapsing tunnel ceilings to block access points, further complicating Israeli efforts to navigate and neutralize these networks. Despite these extensive preparations, Israeli forces have often found the tunnels empty upon breaching the armored doors, suggesting that fighters may be retreating deeper into the network or employing hit-and-run tactics to avoid direct confrontations.

A Vast and Hidden Battlefield: The Expanding Scope of Hamas’ Tunnel Network

The extent of Hamas’ underground labyrinth is staggering. Initial estimates placed the total length of the tunnel network at around 400 kilometers. However, findings from the current conflict suggest that it could be twice as long. This sprawling subterranean infrastructure, built beneath residential areas, schools, and even hospitals, poses an unprecedented challenge for Israeli forces.

Hamas has gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure the operational viability of these tunnels. Reports indicate that Hamas has installed solar panels on rooftops of private homes to power the tunnel systems below. Even more alarming, the IDF has discovered Nokia communication systems beneath the UNRWA headquarters in Gaza. These systems, according to the manual, can serve as a switchboard for Hamas’ underground communication network, although additional equipment is required to fully utilize this technology. The integration of such sophisticated infrastructure highlights Hamas’ commitment to sustaining its tunnel operations for the long haul.

The Challenges Ahead: Israel’s Struggle Against Hamas’ Underground Fortress

The IDF’s ongoing campaign against Hamas’ tunnel network illustrates the formidable nature of this subterranean battleground. While Israel has invested heavily in detecting tunnels that threaten its borders, the sheer scale and sophistication of the tunnels within Gaza were not fully anticipated. A senior Israeli official acknowledged that intelligence on Gaza’s internal tunnel systems was not a top priority, as an extensive ground invasion was not foreseen. Now, nearly a year into the conflict, Israel grapples with the monumental task of dismantling a network that has been built with ruthless precision and deadly intent.

These revelations from Hamas’ own playbook provide a stark reminder of the lengths to which the terror group is willing to go to wage war against Israel. As the IDF continues its efforts to neutralize these threats, the complexity of Hamas’ tunnel system stands as a testament to the group's relentless pursuit of its violent agenda, hidden just beneath the surface of Gaza.

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