The scene at the Damascus Gate last night after the stabbing (video clip)

In a harrowing incident that underscores the ongoing threat of terrorism in Jerusalem, a 20-year-old Israeli police officer was lightly wounded on Sunday evening in a stabbing attack at the iconic Damascus Gate in the Old City. This brazen assault, carried out amidst the bustling streets of Jerusalem, highlights the ever-present dangers faced by Israeli security forces and the relentless efforts of those who defend the city against terror.

Swift Medical Response and Heroic Efforts

Magen David Adom (MDA) emergency responders quickly arrived on the scene, providing immediate medical attention to the injured officer. The officer, who was fully conscious despite the traumatic experience, was reported to be in mild condition but was nonetheless evacuated to Hadassah Mount Scopus for further evaluation and treatment. The rapid response of the MDA personnel exemplifies the efficiency and dedication of Israel's emergency services in times of crisis.

Terrorist Neutralized by Border Police Heroes

According to a police spokesperson, the attacker was swiftly neutralized by an officer from the Israel Border Police at the scene. The attacker, identified as an Arab-Israeli resident from Arara, attempted to flee into the Old City but was thwarted by the quick actions of additional Border Police officers who pursued him. "The terrorist who tried to escape into the Old City was neutralized by other Border Police officers," the police spokesperson confirmed, highlighting the rapid response and bravery of the forces involved.

One officer recounted the intense moments following the initial attack: "I saw the attacker and the officer struggling, and immediately alerted the forces. The wounded officer, despite his injuries, shouted 'terrorist' after feeling the knife stab to his head and back." In a dramatic chase, the officer and three additional Border Police troops pursued the assailant into the narrow alleys of the Old City. "At first, we did not have a clear shot, but we were ultimately able to fire at him," the officer detailed, showcasing the disciplined restraint and tactical skill of the Israeli security forces.

Ongoing Investigation and Broader Context

Following the attack, police and Border Police units promptly secured the Damascus Gate area, closing off the scene and launching a thorough investigation into the terrorist's background. On Monday, as part of their response, police raided the terrorist's home in the Negev, conducted searches, and detained family members for questioningβ€”a clear signal that Israel will leave no stone unturned in its fight against terrorism.

This latest attack is part of a troubling surge in violence, including the recent killing of an Israeli soldier at a West Bank bus stop and a shooting attack by a Jordanian truck driver at the Allenby crossing. These incidents coincide with a significant counter-terror operation by the Israeli military in the northern West Bank and heightened tensions around the Temple Mount, illustrating the broader, volatile security landscape in which Israeli forces operate.

Standing Resilient in the Face of Terror

The courage and resilience of Israeli security personnel were on full display in this latest incident at Damascus Gate. Despite the dangerous environment and ongoing threats, these brave individuals continue to stand vigilant, ready to confront and neutralize terror at a moment’s notice. Their actions not only saved lives but also sent a powerful message: Israel remains steadfast and unyielding in the face of those who seek to harm its citizens.

As tensions continue to simmer and security challenges persist, the determination of Israel’s defenders shines through, reminding the world that the fight against terrorism is ongoing, and the resolve of the Israeli people is unwavering.

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