Recep Tayyip Erdoğan giving a speech in Istanbul in early November

In a bold move emblematic of the strained relations between Israel and Turkey, Itzik Isteric, CEO of the prominent Israeli company Arbel Metals, has terminated over two decades of metal trade with Turkey. This decision is a direct response to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's inflammatory comments against Israel and its leadership.

For more than 20 years, Arbel Metals under Isteric's leadership has been a key player in the metal trade between Israel and Turkey, exporting significant quantities of scrap metal to Turkey while importing construction iron crucial for Israel's burgeoning construction industry.

The relationship between the two nations, mirrored in Isteric's business dealings, has endured its share of trials. Despite tensions, such as those following the 2010 Gaza flotilla raid, Isteric maintained robust trade ties with Turkey. However, the recent developments have marked a turning point.

The tipping point came with Erdoğan's vitriolic critique of the Israeli military operations and his derogatory comparison of Prime Minister Netanyahu to Hitler. Isteric, profoundly affected by these remarks, declared an end to his dealings with Turkish markets, urging fellow Israeli businessmen to follow suit.

"I cannot in good conscience continue business with a nation whose leader equates our Prime Minister with one of history's most heinous figures," Isteric stated. "This isn't just business; it's about standing up for our nation's dignity and integrity."

Isteric's role extends beyond his company; he is also a leading figure in Israel's steel industry. His company's annual contribution of roughly 60,000 tons out of the 300,000 tons of scrap metal exported to Turkey reflects a significant portion of the trade between the two nations.

While Isteric acknowledges that his actions might not significantly impact the vast Turkish metal industry, which sources from across Europe and North America, his stance is a symbolic gesture reflecting the increasingly strained diplomatic relations between Israel and Turkey.

The cessation of Arbel Metals' trade with Turkey could potentially signal a new phase in the economic dimensions of Israel-Turkey relations. It remains to be seen how this move will influence other Israeli businesses with ties to Turkey and whether it will prompt a broader reevaluation of economic partnerships under the current political climate.

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