OCHA has been biased against Isreal & is now facing a ban

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs is examining a halt on all collaboration with the United Nations, specifically the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), following its strong bias against Israel. The Ministry is already delaying the issuance of entry visas to OCHA’s employees.

As part of the examination of the cooperation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs froze the process of new entry visas for the employees of the UN-run agency, because it systematically distorts in its reports the number of Israeli victims of terrorism and their classification as victims of terrorism. 

OCHA has decided that when it comes to an Israeli being killed or injured by Palestinian nationalists, the issue must be fully examined but when it comes to a Palestinian being killed or injured, the reports treat it as a clear humanitarian law violation by the Israeli state. Even when armed terrorists open fire on Israel Defense Forces soldiers and are killed, OCHA will not automatically define the armed Palestinian militants as terrorists.

According to numerous Israeli reports in recent weeks,  the organization refused to recognize Shulamit Rachel Ovadia, who was murdered last September by a Palestinian terrorist in Holon, as a victim of terrorism and stated that "it is not clear what the killer's motives were." In another case, the organization described in its reports Eliyahu Kay, who was murdered about a year ago in the Old City of Israel's capital city Jerusalem, as a "settler who was murdered in occupied territory", even though he lived in the city of Modi'in which is inside the internationally recognized borders of Isreal, and thus was not in fact someone who lived in Judea or Samaria, what anti-Israel activists refer to as a “settler." 

OCHA has even shown clear signs of removing any fair judgment on the Israeli-Palestinian issue. During the summer, Sarah Muscroft was removed from her senior position as the chairman of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Aid in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The reason given for her removal was a tweet about welcoming the ceasefire between Israel and Gaza while condemning the Islamic Jihad missiles fired at Israel.KyleWOrton/status/1558755694194696192

Muscroft was removed likely due to Palestinian pressure after the Palestinian Authority protested her tweet. In addition, the head of the Middle East department in the agency is a Palestinian citizen who, according to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is not neutral in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Gilad Erdan, Israel’s ambassador to the UN recently spoke of OCHA and its clear anti-Zionist sentiment. "OCHA continues to present a false picture of reality. Time and again they choose to ignore Israeli victims of [Palestinian] terrorism and even the existence of Palestinian terrorism. It is a disgrace to the United Nations that the [Palestinians are allowed to] censor OCHA reports, and cause the dismissal of those who 'dare' to condemn Palestinian terrorism.”

Erdan added: “Jewish blood is not to be thrown away, and every means must be taken to fight this discrimination. There is no reason to continue to allow the entry of UN officials, who lie about what is happening in the region and aid terrorism against Israel."

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