In yet another demonstration of how Palestinians do not respect the faith of others and go above and beyond in trying to destroy Judaica, dozens of Arab rioters from the village of Zurif went up to the Ohavi-Ya Hill outpost in Gush Etzion on Monday afternoon and vandalized the entire site. It was not simply enough for them to destroy property, the rioters set fire to the buildings on the hill and burned the 'Beit Midrash' (Talmudic study hall) which contained hundreds of holy books that had been doused in accelerant to ensure they were completely burned.
The Arab attack comes after the assassination of a terrorist who lived in Zurif and carried out the car-ramming attack at the Beit Omer intersection last week that seriously injured three IDF soldiers. It should be noted that the Israeli outpost of Ohavi-Ya has not received legal status from the state of Israel and is effectively acting against Israeli law. On numerous occasions, Israel Defense Forces patrolling the area were given orders to try and evacuate the outpost while in tandem, there are numerous cases making their way through the legal system to stop the expansion of the outpost and codify its evacuation.
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ā ×××¢×× ×× ×ש×Ø××× (@ly95443707) April 3, 2023
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The type of Israelis living in the Ohavi-Ya outpost, and the dozens of other non-standardized settlements are defined by the Israeli public as extreme right-wing politically. Meir Simcha, one of the residents of the hill, said: "The Arab rioters penetrated into the hill area and set fire to house after house with gasoline. Everything burned, and the learning center also caught fire along with the hundreds of holy books that were in it. Only after a few minutes, with the help of reinforcements from residents, we managed to repel the rioters. The sights here are shocking and we're still having trouble digesting them."
According to him, "The army arrived only after a long time and did not fulfill its duty to protect the hill. You don't have to be a genius or a senior intelligence officer to know that a day after an attack that came out of the nearby Arab village, the area will be a disaster. The army failed miserably here.ā While it has been noted that the outpost is illegal and the army has made several attempts to evacuate it, Israeli security forces still have a responsibility to protect all residents within Area C, including Palestinians and Israelis and typically do.
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ā ×× ×©××¤× ××¢××Ø ××× ×©××¤× ××פ×Ø #JusticeForMalkiRoth (@ctvill_owls) April 3, 2023
Simcha concluded his statement saying: "Today's difficult incident is the result of a security system that is confused between an enemy and a lover. If the security system had invested half the amount of resources it devoted to the persecution of this hill and its people in the last two years, in preventing terrorism from the village of the murderers Zurif, both the trampling attack and the attack on the hill would have been avoided. We call on the Israeli security system and the government ministers to arrest the violators today and punish them with all severity."