Israel is gearing up for a significant boost to its vaccination campaign as 200,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine are set to arrive in the country today, with an additional half a million doses expected within the next three weeks. These doses are specifically designed to combat the new Omicron variant and have received full approval from the FDA. This development signals the possibility of an extensive vaccination campaign commencing in the coming days, even before the arrival of the Sukkot holiday.

In the initial phase of the vaccination drive, individuals aged 12 and older who are deemed to be at high risk of severe illness from the virus will be eligible for vaccination, regardless of whether they have previously received a different vaccine or the number of doses administered in the past. As more vaccine doses become available in the future, the eligible population for vaccination will expand. Furthermore, it is strongly recommended that individuals with compromised immune systems, for any reason, consider getting vaccinated to protect themselves against the new variants of COVID-19.

The Ministry of Health advises that individuals aim to receive the new vaccine dose during the autumn months, ideally in conjunction with receiving their annual flu vaccine. As more vaccine doses become accessible, the eligibility criteria will widen, and eventually, vaccines are expected to be approved for individuals aged 6 months and older, irrespective of their previous vaccination history.

The Ministry of Health emphasizes in its statement that the COVID-19 vaccine can be administered simultaneously with other vaccines, including the flu vaccine, or at any interval between them. The only exception is the monkeypox vaccine, for which a four-week interval is recommended, particularly for adolescents and young men. Additionally, pregnant women are encouraged to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at any stage of pregnancy, while also adhering to the recommended vaccination schedule for other conditions such as whooping cough or the flu. Breastfeeding women and those planning pregnancy are also eligible for vaccination, following the established guidelines.

In parallel, authorities at Ben Gurion Airport have announced that a cargo plane carrying 200,000 doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine will touch down on Tuesday, originating from Belgium, with an anticipated arrival time of 5:15 PM. A spokesperson stated, "Over the past few hours, we have refined our procedures for unloading the COVID-19 vaccines and conducted multiple safety exercises, with a focus on handling this delicate cargo swiftly. Refrigerated trucks will be on standby near the plane to ensure the safe transport of the vaccines to storage facilities in the city of Modi'in."

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