Dr. Bazian's tweet was deleted the next day.

During the "Shield and Arrow" operation, CNN anchor Jake Tapper spoke about Israel's right to defend itself. In an attempt to condemn Tapper, Dr. Hatem Bazian, an anti-Zionist and arguably an antisemitic Muslim, accidentally wrote a post from his personal Twitter account instead of the account of the American leftist group "Jewish Voice for Peace", thus exposing that the organization does not necessarily present a Jewish voice at all.

Throughout the recent Israel Defense Forces operation in Gaza, many voices in Israel and around the world spoke out for and against the actions of the IDF and the State of Israel. Dr. Hatem Bazian, one of the leaders of the BDS movement in the US and the founder of the extreme student group “Students for Justice in Palestine” (SJP), responded to the statement of Tapper, the CNN presenter who seemingly backed Israel's right to defend itself.

In his own words, meant for the Jewish Voices for Peace Twitter account, Hazem said: "Jake Tapper, your reporting on Rashida Tlaib’s Nakba 75 event was racist and anti-Palestinian. As Jews who believe in human rights and justice, we demand you do better.” But the doctor's mistake was revealing that he has been writing on behalf of the Jewish Voices for Peace, despite not being Jewish or even remotely affiliated with the Jewish people whatsoever. The next day that post was deleted and another one came up with similar language. In fact, there were several JVP tweets with nearly identical messaging that came from Palestinian activists. 

The strength of the anti-Zionist organization is that they present themselves as the ‘Jewish Voice’, with the aim of showing that not all Jews support the State of Israel, but it turns out that the person who tweeted on their behalf for an unknown period of time is not Jewish at all. Many pro-Israel organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League, responded to the incident. They also added that the lie was exposed and that it was a person who tried to impersonate a Jewish member of the organization.

According to his bibliography on the Zaytuna College website, “Dr. Hatem Bazian is a scholar of religion, politics, and globalization whose field specialties include Islamic Law, Awqaf and Fatawa Texts, Classical Arabic, Palestine, Islamophobia, Diaspora, and Comparative Immigration, American Law and Society, Arab and Arab American Studies, Race Theory and History… Dr. Bazian earned his Ph.D. at UC Berkeley in Near Eastern Studies in 2000. His Ph.D. thesis, titled “Al-Quds in Islamic Consciousness: A Textual Survey of Muslim Claims and Rights to the Sacred City,” contributes to a better understanding of Muslim attachment and informed political attitudes toward the sacred city of Jerusalem and Palestine in general.”

Jewish Voice for Peace is an organization that supports the Boycott Divestment & Sanction campaign against Israel. It was founded in 1996, although both its own website and its Wikipedia page neglect to mention who created it. There have been rumors for years that it was schemed up in either Lebanon or Gaza and has been run by people 'identifying' as Jewish despite not having been born, or gone through proper conversion to Judaism.

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