Imad al-Adwan was caught trying to smuggle weapons & gold to terror groups

The Jordanian member of parliament Imad Al-Adwan was accused Tuesday night by the public prosecutor of the Jordanian State Security Court of trying to smuggle weapons from Jordan to Judea and Samaria.

According to his lawyer Ali Al-Mobaiden: "The member of parliament appeared before the State Security Court and was interrogated by the public prosecutor after allegedly trying to smuggle firearms and gold at a border crossing last month." Al-Mobaiden confirmed that "the court prosecutor charged him with two offenses of exporting weapons with the intention of using them illegally on four different occasions, and carrying out actions that would disturb public order and threaten the security of the community."

He added that the case is still under investigation, which does not allow him to submit a request for his release. If convicted of these two charges, Al-Adwan faces up to 15 years in prison. A senior official in the Jordanian judicial system explained to reporters in Arabic that Article 75 of the Jordanian Constitution states that if a final verdict is filed against him, he will be automatically removed from the House of Representatives without the need to be officially dismissed. 

Until then, the member of parliament has the right to enter the House of Representatives and participate in meetings. About ten days ago Al-Adwan was released from custody in Israel and handed over to the Jordanian authorities for further investigation and prosecution. As part of diplomatic agreements between the two countries, heavy pressure was applied to release the detainee, Israel agreed but insisted on receiving a commitment that he would serve his sentence in Jordan.

The member of parliament was arrested by the customs officers at the Allenby crossing after it was suspected that he was involved in smuggling. In a search of his vehicle, 12 rifles, and 194 pistols were found. In his investigation, it was revealed that since February of last year, Imad has smuggled 12 different shipments into the territory of the State of Israel while using his diplomatic passport. Among other things, the member of the parliament smuggled birds, pigeons, electronic cigarettes, and gold. It also emerged that from the beginning of 2023, Imad smuggled illegal immigrants from Jordan into the territory of the State of Israel on several occasions. In addition, the Jordanian member of parliament carried out the smuggling in return for large sums of money. At the same time as his investigation in Israel, security forces in Jordan arrested a number of people who were connected to the smuggling he carried out alongside suspects arrested in Judea and Samaria by Israeli forces.

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