Iran has often boasted of the downfall of Israel & America

Reza Talai, the Iranian assistant to the Minister of Defense, said in a thread of statements this week that "the defeat of the USA and global Zionism is a tangible matter, and the current century will be the century of the Asian continent and the Islamic civilization in Asia is taking shape today in Iran."

According to him, "Iran is currently ranked among the top ten countries in the world in the field of security, and the enemies understand that they cannot harm Iran through a military campaign, because Iran has advanced technological capabilities and is a leader in the security field."

"Iran has achieved the ability to self-produce more than 90 percent of its weapons and is ranked 15th in the world scientifically," he added. Brigadier General Kader Rahim Zadeh, commander of the air defense of the "Khatem Al-Anbiya" command, which belongs to Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), added that "the anti-aircraft teams of the army and the Revolutionary Guards will resolutely and immediately intercept any aircraft that will penetrate the country's skies, and in addition, Iran will react in a destructive way to the fierceness of the enemies."

He further noted that "beyond the protection of national interests and strategic centers, Iran's air defense monitors air activity not only in the skies of the region but also beyond it”, thereby hinting at the activity of the Israeli Air Force.

These statements claiming the collapse of Zionism come after Defense Minister Yoav Gallant revealed that the Israeli security establishment thwarted a terrorist infrastructure of Hezbollah and the Iranian Quds Force, which operated to launder money using digital currencies for the Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah. Israel also confiscated millions of dollars destined for terrorist organizations from Iran, which were instead transferred to the state coffers.

Defense Minister Gallant revealed the activity in his speech at the Third Crypto Conference of the Headquarters for Economic Combating Terrorism in the Ministry of Defense. The precedent-setting activity, which was approved by the Minister of Defense a few weeks ago, was aimed at confiscating terrorist funds that were laundered using digital currencies and were intended for use by the terrorist organizations financed by Iran.

"With the years and technological changes, the threats that the State of Israel faces are changing and becoming more sophisticated," said the Minister of Defense in his speech. "Aside from the permanent and uncompromising fight against terrorism, terrorists and their agents, a new battle arena has been added: the fight against the resources behind terrorism, and in simple words: the fight against the funds of terrorism."

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