The Moment The German Chancellor Winces At Abbas' Remarks

The late Israeli statesman Abba Eban once said famously that the Palestinians "never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity". Today that quip was on full display as the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, who is known to incite hatred against Israel with his extreme rhetoric and often outrageous accusations, made a critical error in diplomacy.

While hosting a press conference in Berlin, Germany, where even sticking an arm out straight can land someone in prison, Abbas accused the Jewish State of having "committed fifty Holocausts against the people of Palestine". To this day, Germany takes the sins of its past seriously and has strict social as well as legal codes in place to prevent any effort to honor the Nazi party or diminish the horrific act of attempted genocide they tried to commit. 

Abu Mazen, later attempted to clarify his statement, saying that "the Holocaust is the most heinous crime that occurred in the modern history of mankind. In my answer, there was no intention to deny the uniqueness of the Holocaust, which was carried out in the last century and is something that must be strongly condemned." Even some of the most sympathetic Palestinian supporters saw the public relations machine working to salvage the situation.

That poor attempt to diffuse the situation did not work, in fact it only made things worse for him. It is one thing for an Arab leader to use exaggerated language when speaking to an Arab crowd, but Abbas was in Europe, speaking to people who view language as sacred, and in Germany no less, where they protect the memories of the Holocaust so as to ensure their future citizens will never repeat those crimes again.

The biggest blow Abbas received was from the German Chancellor, Olaf Schulz, who issued a strongly worded statement saying he was "disgusted by [Abbas'] outrageous words." Many other leaders in Europe responded in kind, and the Israeli Prime Minister, Yair Lapid, added that as it pertains to Abbas, "history will never forgive him" for the bombastic comment.

Meanwhile, one of the unintended victims who was skewered along with Abbas was the German Minister of Defense, Christine Lambrecht. Many in the German media strongly criticized her for even giving Abbas a platform to speak after agreeing to meet with him. It was argued that the meeting only served to 'give Abu Mazen legitimacy' as one reporter for Der Spiegel, a prominent German publication, put it. The Palestinians often try to meet with high-level Western officials as a way to legitimize themselves, Abbas was elected in 2008 for what was supposed to be a 4-year term. There have been no elections since. It is also common for Palestinian media to embellish the significance of the meetings, often using clips as part of a systematic propaganda campaign.

Many in Israel called on the government to immediately cut ties with the Palestinian Authority, citing Abbas' attempt to defame the Jewish State in the heart of Europe. Defense Minister and leader of the Blue & White party, Benny Gantz, responded to those calls and said that "those who do not send soldiers to battle, and those who do not have responsibility for the lives of Israeli citizens and IDF soldiers, would do well not to preach about meetings that prevented and are preventing the next war and bring stability on the ground and political freedom of action."

According to Gantz, "thanks to the security coordination that is carried out on the field levels, and by the heads of the security systems and by me - there are many citizens and soldiers whose lives have been saved. Anyone who wants to bury his head in the sand and ignore the complex security and political reality - is not fit to hold the steering wheel of government and lead the State of Israel." The Defense Minister was speaking about the cooperation between the Palestinian Security Forces and the Israel Defense Forces.

Gantz further noted: "I intend to continue to conduct the regional security issues in a responsible manner and in a particular way with the Palestinians, for the sake of Israel's security and without political considerations."

Gantz, despite the criticism, made it clear that Abas was in the wrong and said that his words were "despicable and false" callig him a "Holocaust denier."

Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked attacked both Gantz and Abu Mazan on Twitter: "Abu Mazen spoke harshly against IDF soldiers in The Hague, and denies the Holocaust in Germany. He must not be given legitimacy and certainly not be invited to Rosh Ha-Ayin" ( the city where Gantz lives and hosted Abbas in July before the American President, Joe Biden's visit).

Finance Minister and chairman of Israel Beitenu Avigdor Lieberman wrote on Twitter: "Abu Mazen is a holocaust denier and a staunch enemy of the State of Israel. He is a terrorist who engages in political terrorism and is, therefore, more dangerous than all the terrorist operatives of Hamas or Islamic Jihad. I call on the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense to stop giving him legitimacy."

Regardless of the outcome, Abbas will likely return to his $14 Million Ramallah palace and spin the meetings as a success. Abbas, under fire and increasingly disliked by the Palestinians, was just outed to have a net worth of over $500 Million, with his two sons' worth estimated at $300 Million. Abbas, like his predecessor Yasir Arafat has been accused of stealing money sent by European powers to enrich themselves at the expense of the Palestinian people. With Abbas himself telling stories of his humble beginnings and his only meaningful job being an aid to Arafat and P.A. President, many questions how he made all that money.

Regardless of the allegations, it is fact that Abbas gave key industries like the telecom industry to his son, and many in Europe frowned when he did as at the same time he was asking for money to help modernize the antiquated system. Many anti-Israel activists, including some who work for the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA), use the fact that in the Palestinian territories there is only 3G cell signals and point to Israel as the reason why, however, Palestine has their own telecom network and it apparently enriched one of Abbas' children. 

Despite the harsh criticism, social media seemed firmly behind Abbas, highlighting the increase of anti-semitic vitriol that litters the various platforms, especially Twitter. Many posts were supportive of the assertion that Israel has committed genocide against Palestine, despite the hard truth that since 1948, the population has grown 500% while the global Jewish population is still trailing its pre-World War Two numbers.  

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