Belgium's Minister of Development Cooperation and Urban Policy, Caroline Gennez

In a move that has escalated diplomatic tensions between Israel and Belgium, Caroline Gennez, the Belgian Minister for International Cooperation and Development, accused Israel of "obliterating entire Palestinian villages." In the wake of her comments, Israel swiftly summoned Jean-Luc Bodson, the Belgian Ambassador to Israel, to its Foreign Ministry for clarification. Concurrently, Idit Rosenzweig Abu, Israel's ambassador to Belgium, filed a strongly-worded letter of protest with the Belgian Foreign Ministry.

Gennez's controversial remarks were made during an interview with the Flemish newspaper "De Morgen." While the primary focus of the interview was her department's activities in Ukraine and Africa, Gennez took the opportunity to address the Israel-Palestine issue. She stated, "The situation in the occupied Palestinian territories is reaching an unsustainable point. Entire villages have been effectively erased from the map by Israeli actions. Furthermore, the intervals between violent escalations are diminishing, and their severity is increasing. As a result, the Palestinian population finds itself increasingly suffocated. It's also worth noting that there has been a higher number of Palestinian casualties due to violence since the onset of this year than in the entirety of 2022."

Idit Rosenzweig Abu responded immediately by dispatching an official letter of protest to Minister Gennez. Taking to Twitter, Abu said, "I was profoundly dismayed to read the unfounded and defamatory accusations leveled by Minister Gennez in her interview." In her letter, she underscored that more Israelis have fallen victim to Palestinian terrorism this year than in any year since the official conclusion of the Second Intifada in 2005.

Simultaneously, Daniel Miron, the Vice President for Europe at Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, summoned Belgian Ambassador Jean-Luc Bodson for a discussion. Miron, who previously served as Israel's Ambassador to the Czech Republic, expressed his dismay, stating, "The allegations put forth by Minister Gennez should appall any conscientious individual. Her claim that Israel is responsible for erasing entire villages is not just erroneous but evokes disturbing historical comparisons."

This incident marks yet another instance of Minister Gennez criticizing Israel for alleged human rights violations. Last July, during Israel Defense Forces' "Beit VeGan" operation in Jenin, she tweeted, citing United Nations experts, that Israel's aerial strikes and ground operations could potentially amount to war crimes. In August, Gennez further raised eyebrows by condemning the destruction of a Palestinian school in Kfar Ein Samia, near Ramallah. At that time, she announced, "Belgium will seek explanations from Israel."

The situation underscores the increasingly strained relations between Israel and some European nations, fueled by differing perspectives on the Israel-Palestinian conflict. As both nations navigate this fraught diplomatic landscape, the world watches closely, awaiting the next developments.

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