Moroccan Senate President Enaam Mayara (Source: Government of Morocco)

In a groundbreaking move, Enaam Mayara, the President of Morocco's Upper House in Parliament, officially accepted an invitation from Amir Ohana, the Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, for a state visit to Israel. Scheduled for this Thursday, Mayara's visit marks an extraordinary occasion, as he will be the first Moroccan dignitary and one of the few Muslim leaders ever to be received at the Knesset with full honors, including a red carpet and an official guard of honor.

The significance of this visit cannot be overstated for several reasons. Firstly, it is historic in being the inaugural bilateral meeting at the Knesset in Jerusalem between a Speaker of the Israeli Knesset and a high-ranking member of the Moroccan government. Secondly, the meeting assumes greater importance given that it will be the first official summit between top officials from both nations since Israel recognized Western Sahara. These factors combine to underscore the evolving dynamics in Israeli-Moroccan relations, as well as within the broader geopolitical context of the Middle East.

Knesset officials have highlighted that Mayara's forthcoming visit reciprocates the equally momentous trip made by Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana to Morocco approximately three months ago. During that occasion, Ohana had the honor of being the first Knesset Speaker ever invited for a state visit to a Muslim-majority country, let alone to the legislative chambers of the Moroccan Kingdom. The reciprocal nature of these state visits illuminates the burgeoning diplomatic ties between Israel and Morocco, each serving as a foundation for future engagement and collaboration.

Upon his arrival at the Knesset, President Mayara is expected to participate in an elaborate state reception. The ceremonial square will be the backdrop for a formal guard of honor presented by the Knesset guard. The Moroccan flag will be raised, and the Sharifi national anthem will be performed for the first time in the Knesset by the Israel Police Orchestra. Following these initial protocols, Mayara will partake in the traditional signing of the Knesset's official guest book. This special ceremony will take place in the esteemed Shagal Lounge.

Subsequent to the official receptions, a working meeting is planned between Speaker Amir Ohana and the Moroccan delegation in the Speaker's office. A joint public statement to the media is anticipated to follow this discussion.

Amir Ohana, the Knesset Speaker, expressed the monumental implications of this visit. "This is a precedent-setting moment that attests to a new chapter in Israel-Morocco relations," he said. "In years past, the notion of a Moroccan leader making a state visit to Israel would have been nothing short of a fantasy. Today, it's a reality infused with hope. It offers profound lessons about the potential for expanding the scope of peace in the Middle East. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to my friend, Mayara, for being the first Moroccan government figure to undertake such a historic visit to the Knesset."

Indeed, this groundbreaking event serves not only as an important diplomatic milestone for Israel and Morocco but also as a signal to the broader Middle East. It echoes the transformative potential of diplomacy, even in a region often characterized by its complexities and conflicts.

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