Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, found himself in a contentious situation last night as he was detained by UN security personnel following an act of protest during the General Assembly session. The incident unfolded during the speech delivered by Iran's President, Ebrahim Raisi, when Erdan prominently displayed a sign aimed at drawing attention to the tragic fate of Mehsa Amini, a victim of the Iranian regime's brutality. The sign featured a photograph of Amini alongside the words "Iranian women Deserve Freedom Now."

Mehsa Amini's ordeal began approximately one year ago when she fell into the crosshairs of an Iranian police squad responsible for enforcing hijab regulations in the nation. Her alleged offense was an improper wearing of the hijab. Subsequently, Amini suffered severe physical abuse at the hands of the authorities, leading to her tragic death two days later, ostensibly due to heart failure. Marks of grave injuries were discovered on her body, sparking widespread protests throughout Iran in response to her killing.

Erdan's act of protest, waving the sign in the General Assembly, prompted his expulsion from the hall along with the entire Israeli delegation to the UN. Expressing his indignation at the situation, Erdan articulated, "It is inconceivable that a heinous murderer advocating for the destruction of Israel is granted a platform within the United Nations. Once again, the UN has plummeted to a new moral low." The ambassador went further to emphasize, "While the Tehran butcher addresses the UN, receiving international respect, hundreds of Iranians are protesting, demanding the world's attention and assistance. It is a disgrace that diplomats choose to remain in the presence of a mass murderer. A platform at the UN should be denied to those with blood on their hands. I exited the hall to underscore Israel's solidarity with the Iranian people. I implore the international community to halt this madness and prevent murderers and anti-Semites from speaking within these hallowed halls."

Ambassador Erdan's principled stance against Raisi's presence at the UN garnered significant attention. He was apprehended by UN security but subsequently released after a brief detention. Earlier in the day, Erdan had shared a video of himself standing in solidarity with a demonstration organized by Iranian exiles in New York, where images of victims of the Iranian regime's oppression were displayed near the UN headquarters. Erdan's message was clear: "The world must awaken to the voices of innocent Iranians! The Ayatollah regime must be held accountable for its crimes and face consequences. The people of Israel stand alongside the Iranian people."

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