The US State Department's recent approval of grants to a Gazan organization has raised concerns due to the organization's apparent support for armed struggle against Israel. These revelations come to light through data uncovered by the research institute NGO Monitor and were published in the esteemed American newspaper, The Washington Examiner, on Wednesday.

According to information gleaned from a US government website that outlines government support, the State Department has greenlit two grants, collectively amounting to $90,000, for a Gazan entity known as the Phoenix Center. The official purpose of these grants, as stated on the government website, is to "develop capabilities and awareness in the field of IT" and to "enhance and refine the skills of Palestinian graduates of American programs in the realms of public speaking and digital networking."

However, an examination of the publications and activities of this Palestinian organization by NGO Monitor reveals a disconcerting pattern. The Phoenix Center has organized numerous events featuring the participation of senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad officials, and a senior member of the organization has publicly expressed support for this terrorist organization.

Quotes extracted from discussions held by the organization are particularly alarming. They include calls for a third intifada, advocating for armed resistance and terrorism against Israelis, affirming that armed resistance will remain a central component of their agenda, criticizing President Biden for his perceived contribution to the Zionist cause, and more.

The report in The Washington Examiner highlights that several members of Congress have already initiated efforts to address these findings in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives and the Subcommittee on Middle East Affairs. As of now, the State Department has not issued an official response to these concerns.

Professor Gerald M. Steinberg, the president of NGO Monitor, expressed his viewpoint on this matter, stating, "The State Department's grants, as indicated by publicly available sources and findings in our report, represent yet another instance of inadvertent funding of Palestinian non-governmental organizations using taxpayer dollars. It is imperative that any government funding, especially directed towards organizations operating in the Palestinian Authority and Gaza, undergoes rigorous and independent due diligence to prevent it from reaching groups associated with violence or terrorist organizations."

What adds an intriguing layer to this situation is the recent reversal by the US regarding the Lebanese organization "Green Without Borders." This reversal recognized it as a subsidiary of the terrorist organization Hezbollah. One might expect that this newfound awareness within the US government would lead to a more cautious approach towards grants to NGOs in areas governed by acknowledged terrorist organizations.

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