Media outlets in Syria, two of which are associated with the opposition and one aligned with the Assad regime, have reported an Israeli attack on sites belonging to the Syrian army and Iranian militias in the town of Dimas. This town is situated in the western suburbs of the capital, Damascus, close to the border with Lebanon. Syria has not officially confirmed these reports.

According to the reports from Syrian media, the country's air defense systems were activated in response to an Israeli Air Force attack on an Iranian arms shipment.

This recent attack, attributed to Israel, occurred approximately two weeks after the Syrian army claimed that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) attacked the Al-Shu'ayira military airport in western Syria. Networks reported "intense air activity over Lebanon," north of Beirut. The Al-Mayadeen network even asserted that Israeli fighter jets launched missiles towards the Homs area while flying over the Lebanese coastal plain. A Syrian opposition source informed Yedioth Ahronoth that "it was an Israeli airstrike originating from the Lebanese area, targeting warehouses containing Iranian equipment."

Remarkably, this attack took place just hours after Syria accused Israel of a daytime attack in the Tartus area in western Syria, occurring at around 5:20 PM. According to the claim, the attack targeted air defense positions, resulting in the unfortunate loss of two Syrian soldiers' lives and six others sustaining injuries. The Syrian Center for Monitoring Human Rights alleged that three Hezbollah operatives also perished in the attack, although this report remains unverified.

Furthermore, approximately a week and a half ago, a Syrian media outlet affiliated with the opposition reported the deaths of two motorcyclists, identified as Abu Jarrah Akasha and Abu Alaa Zahar. They were reportedly killed by a missile launched from an Israeli drone in the town of Beit Jen, located west of the capital, Damascus. The IDF has not issued any comments on these reports.

On the same day as these events, the IDF initiated an attack on temporary military positions in the northern Golan Heights using Merkava tanks. These positions had been established by the Syrian army on Israeli territory the day prior, thereby breaching the separation of forces agreement established between Israel and Syria in 1974. The IDF spokesperson referred to this incident as a "blunt violation" and emphasized that observations had identified the two structures within the international security area. Furthermore, it was stated that "the IDF holds the Syrian regime responsible for all occurrences on its territory and will not tolerate attempts to violate the separation agreement line."

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