In response to the recently released documentary film, "The Dark Side Of Roger Waters," produced by a British organization combatting anti-Semitism, Roger Waters, a founder of the legendary rock band Pink Floyd who is a staunch anti-Zionist and often repeats unconfirmed and even false allegations about Israel's treatment of Palestinians, issued a passionate and extensive statement on his official website. The documentary had portrayed Waters as anti-Semitic, igniting a fiery reaction from the musician.

The controversial Waters began by clarifying that the producers of the film had approached him in the early part of the previous month, well before its public release. At that time, he declined to comment, explaining that he was given a seven-day window to respond to a series of questions regarding events that occurred in 2002 and 2010. He initially considered their accusations against his character as unworthy of a response. However, as the allegations gained traction and went viral, Waters felt compelled to address the issue.

"All my life I have used the platform my career has provided me to support causes I believe in. I believe wholeheartedly in human rights and have always worked to make the world a better, more just and fairer place for all my brothers and sisters all over the world regardless of their ethnicity, religion or nationality,” Waters declared in his manifesto.

Waters clarified his stance on the Israeli government. "I am active in the non-violent movement that works against the government in Israel, its illegal occupation of Palestine and its scandalous and shameful attitude towards Palestinians. Those who choose to combine this with anti-Semitism do us all harm. The truth is that I have a big mouth and I tend to speak disparagingly," he admitted. "So I can't remember what I said more than 13 years ago but I have worked very closely and for years with many Jews, musicians and others."

"In truth, Jews are a group of diverse, interesting and complex people just like the rest of humanity," Waters continued. "Many of them are allies fighting for equality and justice in Israel, Palestine and around the world. The film is completely distorted and does not represent my views regarding the State of Israel and Zionism. It is based on the definition of anti-Semitism that sees criticism of Israel as the core of anti-Semitism and assumes that Zionism is an essential element of Jewish identity. The film is distorted and manipulated to serve its agenda and is misleading in many ways.”

Waters concluded by denouncing the documentary as "poor and unapologetic propaganda," accusing it of indiscriminately mixing alleged statements and actions from different times in an attempt to brand him as anti-Semitic without substantiated evidence. 

The response comes after Waters has been battling accusations by some closest to him of his blatant antisemitism. In February, Polly Samson, Water's former Pink Flyd bandmate David Gilmour's wife, addressed Waters on Twitter and wrote, "you are antisemitic to your rotten core. Also a Putin apologist and a lying, thieving, hypocritical, tax-avoiding, lip-synching, misogynistic, sick-with-envy, megalomaniac. Enough of your nonsense." Gilmour himself shared his wife's Tweet, commenting "every word demonstrably true."

Last week, talkshow host and wife of Black Sabbath frontman, Ozzy Osbourne said after watching the "Dark Side Of Roger Watrers" documentary said "He's always telling jokes about Jews, always making comments about money, the clichĂ©d old time opinion. He should take his life, live in an old people's home and leave the Jews alone." Speaking on her show, The Talk, Osbourne said â€śI think he’s really lost the plot and should go and live in an old people’s home, that’s where he belongs”.

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