Will Israel Be Faced With Launching An Attack On Iran? (Photo: IDF)

In a shockingly frank conversation, one of Israel's leading military experts chimed in on the very real possibility that Israel will attack Iran in an effort to halt its advance toward nuclear capabilities.

The conversation happened after an Israel Defense Forces spokesman revealed that the military's Intelligence Division estimated five years before the 2002 attack on Syria’s nuclear facilities, that Syria was running a secret project later revealed to be a nuclear reactor. Amid this important disclosure by the IDF, Amir Avivi, a member of an organization of retired IDF officers and other security experts, spoke about the possibility of an attack to destroy Iran's nuclear program as well.

"The State of Israel is increasing the pressure on the United States. I think that every reasonable person understands that if the United States signs an agreement with the Iranians, the only option left for the State of Israel to stop Iran from going nuclear is a military one. That's why we mention what we did, we attacked the reactor in Iraq and Syria, and we dealt with clear threats. As such, this proves we will can and will take care of our security and we will not allow Iran to go nuclear. We are doing our part and helping to increase this pressure.”

Avivi then got into what he thinks is blindness by the U.S. government; “unfortunately, the Biden administration seems determined to surrender to the Iranians, it's hard to know at this point how this story will end," Avivi said.

Later, he added: "I know the capabilities intimately, it doesn't matter how big Iran is, but Israeli intelligence knows exactly where the nuclear capabilities are being developed. There are several critical facilities, the damage to which could disrupt the Iranian effort to go nuclear. This is not the first priority, the first is to convince the West and America that they should lead such an attack or lead sanctions that will stop Iran from advancing. This requires us to be ready."

At the end of his remarks, Brigadier General (Ret.) Amir Avivi clarified: "The trigger is crossing a red line. Israel can attack even without any backing from the world, but since Iran is a much more distant and complex place, it is clear that the more coordination there is will make it easier for Israel.”

Avivi then claimed that Israel is prepared to work against American policy. “If there is no choice, we will do so and not coordinate. In the end, we are trying to make the Americans understand that Iran is a danger to the whole world and that it is in their interest.”
Avivi lastly referred to Israel’s new allies in the Muslim world. “The Sunni countries, for whom Iran is a terrible nuisance, they need this cooperation, and Israel certainly strives to thwart Iran's ability to go nuclear under these agreements."

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