Israel's olympic swim team forms a MAgen David in the water (video clip)

French authorities have initiated a high-priority investigation following death threats received by three Israeli athletes participating in the Paris Olympic Games. The alarming threats have cast a shadow over the event, prompting swift action from law enforcement and heightened security measures.

Ministerial Intervention and Online Hate Investigation

The gravity of the situation was underscored by French Interior Minister GĂ©rald Darmanin, who personally reported the threats to the national anti-online hate body. This organization, known for its rigorous approach to combating cyber hate, will spearhead the investigation, reflecting the serious nature of these threats.

Antisemitic Incidents During Israel-Paraguay Soccer Game

In a separate but related incident, French prosecutors are delving into potential antisemitic hate crimes that marred an Israel-Paraguay soccer match held in Paris. During the game, a disturbing scene unfolded as masked fans brandishing Palestinian flags unfurled a banner reading "Genocide Olympics" and made grotesque antisemitic gestures. The chants of "Israel Killer" and "Israel is killing Palestine’s children" echoed through the Paris Saint-Germain stadium, sung by a group of around 50 so-called “ultra” fans, further fueling tensions.

Teen Arrested for Threatening Israeli President

In a shocking twist, a 15-year-old boy was arrested by French police on Saturday for allegedly threatening Israeli President Isaac Herzog. The threat, made via the boy's X account, coincided with President Herzog's visit to France for the Olympic Games, adding another layer of concern for the safety of Israeli officials and athletes.

Cyber Threats Traced to Iran

Adding to the complexity of the situation, the Israel National Cyber Directorate unveiled that Iran is behind a sinister campaign aimed at intimidating the Israeli Olympic delegation. Hackers, allegedly linked to Iran, created social media pages to disseminate personal information about the athletes and send menacing messages, intensifying the climate of fear.

Defiant Response from the Olympic Committee of Israel

Despite these threats, the Olympic Committee of Israel (OCI) remains resolute. In a defiant statement, the OCI emphasized their commitment to focusing on sports and not succumbing to hate. They expressed gratitude to both Israeli and French authorities for their relentless efforts to safeguard the athletes.

“Unfortunately, a wave of hate and threats is taking place against our athletes,” the OCI declared, reaffirming their dedication to Olympic values. “Our response will be given on the sporting field, and the Israeli delegation will continue to represent Israeli and Olympic values with pride, dedication, and fairness.”

French Prosecutor's Office Takes Action

Confirming the severity of the threats, the Paris prosecutor’s office has confirmed that an investigation is underway into the death threats against the Israeli athletes. These threats, sent via email to the Olympic delegation, have prompted an urgent response from law enforcement agencies, who are leaving no stone unturned in their quest to ensure the safety and security of the athletes.


The disturbing sequence of events underscores the volatile atmosphere surrounding the Paris Olympic Games and highlights the ongoing challenges faced by Israeli athletes. As investigations continue and security measures are ramped up, the international community watches closely, hoping for a resolution that ensures the safety and integrity of the Olympic spirit.

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