A UNIFIL armored personnel carrier at a base in Lebanon (video clip)

The United Nations Security Council has unanimously approved an extension of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon’s (UNIFIL) mandate, allowing the military peacekeeping force to continue operating in southern Lebanon between the Litani River and the Israeli border. The vote, which saw all 15 member states in favor, highlights the international community's continued reliance on UNIFIL as a tool for maintaining a fragile peace in a region that has been repeatedly destabilized by Hezbollah's military actions and blatant violations of UN resolutions.

Despite the UN’s commitment, the reality on the ground paints a grim picture. Since its establishment, UNIFIL has struggled to enforce UN Resolution 1701, which mandates that Hezbollah remain north of the Litani River. Instead, the Iranian-backed terrorist organization has entrenched itself throughout southern Lebanon, flagrantly defying international law. This has rendered UNIFIL’s presence more of a public relations exercise than an effective peacekeeping force, as Hezbollah’s influence and military capabilities have only grown.

Israel’s Stark Warning: Confront Hezbollah or Face Destruction

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, issued a stark warning to the Lebanese government and people, urging them to take immediate action against Hezbollah’s growing threat. "You and your government have a choice to make," Danon declared. "Confront Hezbollah today or watch as your country is dragged into chaos and destruction. The time for action is now. Do not let Hezbollah and Iran dictate your future. If you fail to act, the devastation that follows will be on your hands."

Danon’s statement underscores the Israeli stance that Hezbollah’s continued provocations could lead to an unavoidable escalation. He emphasized that while Israel does not seek conflict, it will not hesitate to defend its citizens. The ambassador’s words resonate with the broader Israeli policy that sees Hezbollah not just as a regional threat, but as a direct aggressor that jeopardizes the security of millions.

UNIFIL’s Compromised Role: A Peacekeeping Force Under Siege

UNIFIL’s effectiveness has been increasingly questioned, with many criticizing its inability to operate freely and enforce its mandate. The U.S. Alternate Representative at the UN, Robert Wood, highlighted that since the adoption of Resolution 1701, Hezbollah has systematically undermined the peacekeeping mission. "Hezbollah and other malign actors in Lebanon prevent the full implementation of Resolution 1701, constrain UNIFIL’s ability to operate freely, and threaten UN peacekeepers’ safety and security," Wood stated.

The past year has seen Hezbollah repeatedly fire rockets from positions close to UNIFIL bases, endangering both Israeli civilians and UN personnel. These acts not only violate the terms of the mandate but also expose UNIFIL troops to grave danger, as Hezbollah uses their proximity as a shield against Israeli retaliatory strikes. The situation has devolved into a scenario where peacekeepers are being used as unwitting human shields in a conflict they are powerless to prevent.

Israel’s Response: Calls for Accountability and a Shift in UNIFIL’s Mandate

Frustrated by UNIFIL’s ineffectiveness and Hezbollah’s continued provocations, Israel had sought to shorten the mandate to six months and push for a stronger condemnation of Hezbollah’s actions. However, these efforts were blocked by France and other Security Council members, who argued for the status quo, insisting on a full 12-month extension without significant amendments to the force’s operational parameters.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during a visit to Israel’s northern border, condemned the international community’s reluctance to hold Hezbollah accountable. He revealed that just days prior, Israeli forces had intercepted thousands of short-range rockets aimed at Israeli territories and destroyed a wave of drones launched by Hezbollah. "This is a significant achievement, but it’s not enough," Netanyahu stated. "The end will come only when we can restore security and safely return residents to their homes. That is our top national priority."

Israel’s criticism of the UN’s reports on the implementation of Resolution 1701 is sharp, accusing them of downplaying Hezbollah’s growing military presence and the constraints imposed on UNIFIL by the terrorist group. According to Israeli officials, these reports fail to acknowledge the reality on the ground, where Hezbollah has turned southern Lebanon into a fortified base for future aggression against Israel, complete with Iranian-supplied weaponry that flouts international arms embargoes.

UNIFIL: A Force in Crisis

Currently, UNIFIL operates with around 10,000 soldiers from 49 countries, including Italy, Spain, France, India, China, and Turkey, with an annual budget of $510 million. Despite its significant resources, the peacekeeping force remains hamstrung by Hezbollah’s tactics and the Lebanese government’s lack of action. In December 2022, the tragic killing of a UNIFIL soldier from Ireland by Hezbollah underscored the growing dangers faced by peacekeepers in the region.

As Hezbollah continues to assert its dominance in southern Lebanon, the international community faces a pivotal moment. The UN’s failure to enforce its own resolutions and hold Hezbollah accountable not only jeopardizes regional stability but also undermines the credibility of UNIFIL as a peacekeeping force. With Hezbollah’s military capabilities expanding unchecked, the risks of a larger confrontation between Israel and the terrorist group loom ever closer.

The time for decisive action is now, and the world must confront the reality that UNIFIL’s mandate, in its current form, is failing. The extension of the mandate without substantial changes or increased enforcement mechanisms only serves to embolden Hezbollah and its Iranian backers, pushing Lebanon closer to the brink of disaster.

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