A live feed clip of the United Nations General Assembly September 18th

The United Nations General Assembly, in a historic and controversial vote, approved a sweeping Palestinian proposal demanding that Israel comply with decisions issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague. This bold mandate, passed late Wednesday evening, calls for the total withdrawal of Israel from what the UN labels as the "Occupied Palestinian Territory" within a mere six months, a complete halt to Israeli settlements, and the restitution of lands to the Palestinian population.

The vote directly calls on Israel to retreat to the pre-1967 borders—a move that could irrevocably fracture Jerusalem and place numerous Israeli communities under the jurisdiction of a proposed Palestinian state. It is worth noting that the concept of a Palestinian state in 1967 is a revisionist narrative; no such entity existed at the time. The territories in question were, in fact, under Jordanian control. In the aftermath of the Six-Day War, Jordan renounced any claims to these areas in 1988, a decision that also stripped Palestinian residents of their Jordanian citizenship. According to international law, specifically under the Geneva Convention, Israel had the right to determine the fate of these lands, not the United Nations. Yet, today’s vote seeks to upend these historical realities, suggesting a war between "Palestine" and Israel—a war that simply never happened.

A Global Backlash: The Call for Non-Recognition and Sanctions

In addition to its territorial demands, the resolution pushes for international non-recognition of Israel's presence in the so-called "Occupied Palestinian Territory." It also proposes enforcing punitive sanctions on high-ranking Israeli officials, halting the transfer of military equipment to Israel, and dissuading nations from establishing diplomatic missions in Jerusalem, the heart of Jewish heritage and Israeli sovereignty.

The numbers behind the vote are striking: 124 nations supported this proposal, while 14 bravely opposed it, and 43 abstained. Countries standing with Israel included Argentina, the United States, the Czech Republic, Fiji, Hungary, and others. However, the list of abstentions, featuring major players like Germany, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, and Canada, raises concerns over the international community’s wavering stance on this issue.

Particularly surprising, if not outright disappointing, were the positions of Greece, Cyprus, and France. Israel, a key defense partner to both Greece and Cyprus, expressed dismay over their unexpected support for the Palestinian proposal. How could these nations, beneficiaries of Israeli security partnerships, turn their backs on a crucial ally?

Potential Consequences: Isolation and Embargo

The implications of this decision could be profound and dangerous for Israel. The establishment of UN monitoring mechanisms to ensure the ICJ's directives are enforced could severely damage Israel’s global image. This decision provides further ammunition to anti-Israel organizations and hostile states eager to isolate the Jewish state diplomatically and economically. A potential arms embargo, combined with the threat of sanctions, may sway hesitant countries to act on this resolution and disrupt the vital defense supplies Israel relies on for its security.

Greek Ambassador Evangelos C. Sekeris, despite acknowledging Israel’s right to self-defense, defended his country’s support for the resolution by stating it stemmed from an overarching commitment to international law and the ICJ. This reasoning rang hollow, particularly when Israel has been a stalwart in providing military aid to Greece and Cyprus in their own regional struggles.

Similarly, Britain’s rationale for abstaining, as voiced by Ambassador Barbara Woodward, raised eyebrows. She argued that while the resolution lacked clarity on advancing peace, Israel should nonetheless "end its presence" in the territories and facilitate the creation of a Palestinian state. Her comments calling for a swift withdrawal of Israel from the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza, according to 1967 borders, ignore the complexities of Israel's security needs and the violent rejectionism Israel continues to face from terrorist groups in those areas.

Outrage and Defiance: Israel's Response

Israel's ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, delivered a scathing rebuke of the resolution. Referring to the UN’s actions as a "circus," Danon condemned the vote as a blatant attempt to fuel further violence rather than promote peace. He pointed out the staggering hypocrisy of the UN, which, in the wake of the October 7 massacre, passed two resolutions that conveniently sidestepped Hamas' culpability.

In a powerful moment, Danon displayed an image of the bloodstained tunnels where six innocent Israelis had been held and brutally murdered. Naming the victims—Eden, Hirsh, Alex, Carmel, Uri, and Almog—he emotionally addressed the international community: “Jewish blood is not worthless. The days when Jewish blood was spilled without any response are over.” His words reverberated through the assembly, yet it remains to be seen if they will sway the nations that voted for this resolution.

The international stage was also the scene of a passionate defense by South Sudan’s ambassador, who, in a dramatic display, chastised the delegates who had voted in favor of the resolution. He implored them to “Run to call your prime ministers” and “beg them to change their vote,” demanding an acknowledgment of Israel’s plight and an end to what he called a shameful display of anti-Israel sentiment.

A Dire Warning for the Future

The approval of this resolution at the UN General Assembly represents a troubling trend. It attempts to revise history, conflate events, and place disproportionate blame on Israel while ignoring the rampant terrorism and rejectionism from groups like Hamas. With 124 countries supporting this dangerous narrative, the stakes for Israel are higher than ever. If the international community continues to side with resolutions that demonize Israel, the prospects for genuine peace and security in the region grow ever dimmer.

Ultimately, this vote is not just a blow to Israel—it is a blow to truth and justice.

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