Former Iranian President Ahmadinejad in his CNN interview (video snippet)

In a revelation that has sent shockwaves through Iran’s political and military elite, former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has accused Israel of infiltrating Iran’s most sensitive intelligence units. This claim, if true, signals one of the most profound intelligence failures in modern history, placing Israel’s Mossad at the center of an extraordinary espionage operation that has deeply penetrated the Iranian state.

According to Ahmadinejad, the head of a highly classified Iranian unit established to counter Israeli intelligence operations was, in fact, working as a Mossad agent. This unit, designed to thwart Israel’s covert activities and protect Iran from foreign espionage, instead became a tool for Israel, leaking critical information back to Tel Aviv. The allegations suggest that Israel has not only been watching but actively manipulating events in Tehran for years, undetected.

Mossad's Masterstroke: Espionage at the Highest Levels

In an interview with CNN Türk, Ahmadinejad painted a grim picture of Iranian intelligence services being thoroughly compromised. He revealed that Mossad had managed to recruit numerous high-ranking officials within Iran’s intelligence apparatus, turning them into double agents. Ahmadinejad’s allegations point to around 20 Iranian operatives who have been secretly feeding Israel valuable intelligence, including sensitive military and nuclear-related information.

This revelation comes at a time when Israel has achieved significant operational success against Iran’s proxy forces in Lebanon, namely Hezbollah. Over the past two weeks, thousands of Hezbollah's communications devices exploded, leading to chaos within the terror group and injuring more than 1,500 of its members. Hezbollah, unsurprisingly, blamed Israel for the attack, though Tel Aviv neither confirmed nor denied responsibility. Even more shocking was the airstrike that eliminated nearly the entire leadership of Hezbollah, including its infamous leader, Hassan Nasrallah. The strike on Nasrallah’s Beirut bunker, reportedly made possible by a tip-off from an Iranian mole, represents the pinnacle of Israel’s intelligence achievements against Hezbollah.

Iran’s Nuclear Program: A Leaking Ship

Ahmadinejad’s most damning assertion is that this infiltration was likely aimed at accessing highly classified information regarding Iran’s nuclear ambitions. If true, this would be a catastrophic failure for Iran’s intelligence community. Iran’s nuclear program, long shrouded in secrecy, has always been a high-priority target for Mossad, and these new claims suggest that Israeli intelligence has penetrated Tehran far deeper than anyone realized.

This is not the first time Israel has been linked to espionage inside Iran. In 2018, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made international headlines when he revealed that Mossad agents had pulled off a daring raid in Tehran, seizing over 100,000 documents detailing Iran’s secret nuclear weapons development. This six-hour operation saw Israeli agents break into a warehouse, crack open safes, and escape with the files, which later had a profound effect on global perceptions of Iran’s nuclear program.

The information Israel gathered not only validated suspicions that Iran had been violating the terms of the 2015 nuclear agreement but also helped to push then-President Donald Trump to withdraw from the deal altogether.

Hezbollah’s Collapse: Iranian Vulnerability Exposed

Nasrallah’s death and the resulting chaos within Hezbollah point to a new era of vulnerability for Iran’s proxy forces. According to Le Parisien, the tip that led to Nasrallah’s assassination came from an Iranian insider, further underscoring the deep fractures within Iran’s security and intelligence apparatus. In the immediate aftermath of the airstrike, Iranian leadership was so shaken that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was rushed to a secure location, fearing further Israeli strikes or additional insider betrayals.

Iran’s leadership is now in a state of heightened paranoia, realizing that their most sensitive institutions may have been compromised. The implications of such an infiltration go far beyond Hezbollah or Lebanon. Iran’s credibility and ability to project power in the region have been severely undermined.

Decades of Israeli Espionage: A History of Bold Operations

Ahmadinejad’s claims follow a series of mysterious events that have consistently put Iran’s intelligence and security services on the defensive. In November 2020, Iran’s top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was assassinated in a sophisticated operation widely attributed to Mossad. According to reports, Fakhrizadeh was gunned down by a remote-controlled machine gun, believed to have been operated by Israeli agents who were hundreds of miles away. The assassination dealt a major blow to Iran’s nuclear program and its prestige, further exposing the vulnerabilities within Tehran’s supposedly impenetrable security apparatus.

Adding to this string of failures, in July of this year, Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed in a mysterious explosion at a Tehran guesthouse. Though Iran was quick to blame Israel for the explosion, Israeli officials, as is often their practice, declined to comment. Haniyeh’s death was yet another indication that Israel’s reach extends into the very heart of Iran’s capital, with its agents capable of carrying out high-profile eliminations even in the most secure of locations.

Iran in Crisis: The Fallout of Ahmadinejad’s Claims

The implications of Ahmadinejad’s revelations are staggering. His assertion that the head of Iran’s counter-Israel intelligence operations was working for Mossad is an embarrassment of epic proportions for the Iranian regime. His former chief of staff, Ali Younesi, admitted in 2022 that Mossad had infiltrated “many government departments” over the past decade, to such an extent that “all the country’s top officials should fear for their lives.” Such statements from top-ranking officials suggest that Iran is facing an unprecedented security crisis, one that threatens the very foundations of the Islamic Republic’s intelligence and defense systems.

For Israel, these developments represent a triumph of strategic intelligence and covert operations, with Mossad once again proving itself to be one of the most formidable intelligence agencies in the world. For Iran, however, the future looks increasingly uncertain, with every new revelation exposing just how deeply Israel’s tentacles have penetrated the regime.

As Ahmadinejad’s claims continue to reverberate, Iran’s leadership faces a painful reckoning. The country’s ability to defend itself against foreign infiltration is now in serious doubt, and the extent of Mossad’s reach into Tehran’s corridors of power may only just be coming to light.

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