Iranian drones were found to have Western made parts

If Iran gets its wish and the 'Great Satan' and 'Little Satan,' the United States and Israel respectively vanish, who will make the parts they need to continue their global takeover?  According to a Wall Street Journal report, Ukrainian forces hijacked a drone and upon landing it, took it apart and found a shocking truth. Among the parts that made up the drone, Infrared lenses manufactured in Israel were found along with more than 200 other components from the US, Europe, and other allied countries. 

About three-quarters of the drones' components were American-made, according to Ukrainian documents presented to the Journal by the non-profit Independent anti-corruption commission. Ukrainian researchers made the discovery while examining downed Iranian-made drones, including the Iranian Mohajer- 6, which broke in mid-flight and landed unharmed.

According to the report, out of over 200 technical components in the captured Mohajer-6, half of them were produced by companies in the US, and companies in Japan produced about a third. The servo motors in the UAV were made by the Japanese company Tonegawa-Seiko Co.

Japan's Tonegawa-Seiko Co was accused by Japan's trade ministry last year of exporting servo motors to China without permission after UN investigators found one in an Iranian drone. The company claimed that it did not know that military drones would be used. 

The high-resolution telescopic infrared lens used by the Mohajer-6 looks identical to a model manufactured by the Israeli company Ofir Optronics Solutions Ltd., according to the photos of the device tested by the Journal. 

MKS Instruments Inc., Ofir's parent company told the newspaper that it does not sell parts to Iran and complies with the sanctions. The report emphasized that many of the parts found in the drones are not under export control, they can be easily bought online and shipped through other countries to Iran.

Ukrainian intelligence initially suspected that the infrared camera found in the Iranian missile was manufactured by Oregon-based Sierra-Olympic Technologies Inc., which uses Ofir’s lenses. Chris Johnston, the company's founder, told the newspaper that while some of the devices looked the same, other parts were different, indicating that they did not come from his company. 

In addition, he said that the parts could have been obtained from western aircraft that was shot down in Iraq and Afghanistan or intermediaries that violated American sanctions. The Israeli Ministry of Defense responded to the report, noting that Israel is examining the findings and that in a preliminary review it was found Because the lens in question is not a controlled protective item or a dual-use item.

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