Hezbollah arrested a member on suspicion of being a Mossad spy

The Lebanese newspaper "Al-Akhbar", reported Monday morning that the Hezbollah terrorist organization arrested one of its members who cooperated with Israel between 2011-2020. 

According to the report, Mossad managed to recruit the Hezbollah member "to work for the enemy", before he was arrested by Hezbollah. The investigators stated that suspicion arose after they noticed a considerable "improvement" in his living conditions, following trips abroad he made between the years 2020-2022.

According to the details of the investigation, after leaving the ranks of the organization, he arrived in Turkey, where he met a woman who spoke Arabic and was in need of workers. After they exchanged details, the relationship between the two became emotional. Their bond developed so much that he agreed to travel with her to Macedonia and work there in a local candy store she owned. In the investigation, it was stated that they were not convinced by his story. Afterward, the Mossad collaborator admitted that the woman was actually a Mossad agent.

In a separate version of his story the detained man told the investigators later, a guy called Haj Salim, who was a friend of his father, contacted him through Facebook and claimed that he wanted to help him. After that, he sent him money and offered to come to Tanzania to work in a cocoa factory. There, Salim suggested that he come to Turkey and meet a girl, who will work with him at the candy factory in Macedonia. After his return to Macedonia, Haj Salim asked him to meet him in Belgium, where he was "welcomed" and told that he was "in the arms of the Israeli Mossad."

According to the Lebanese report, the former Hezbollah member was asked about his military career in Hezbollah since he joined, and the military and cultural courses he took until he officially became a member of the organization. The suspect of treason replied that he fought in Syria and that most of the tasks entrusted to him were inside Syrian territory, mainly near the city of Qusayr, on the Lebanese border.

He also said that the Mossad agents were interested in the commanders' course and the anti-tank course, as well as the training on Cornet missiles, their assembly, and how to launch them. 

He further noted that he was asked about the transit routes from Lebanon to Syria, collection points for party activists, and entry routes into Lebanon. 


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