Itamar Ben Gvir on the Temple Mount

The Arab media has been generally bitter about Israel’s latest election results. The latest example of this is Ben Gvir’s appearance on today's front page of the Hezbollah-connected Lebanese newspaper, "Al-Akhbar," along with the title “Ben Gvir’s Kingdom."

At the beginning of the Arabic language article, journalist Yahya Dabouq wrote that "Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu overcame the first obstacles that hindered the establishment of a right-wing government under his leadership after he signed an agreement with the Otzma Yehudit party. According to the agreement, his fascist party, the symbol of racism in its new form in Israel, will rule On the Ministry of Internal Security, whose name will be changed to the 'Ministry of National Security, with broader powers than the simple responsibility for the Israel Police." 

According to the coalition agreement signed by the Likud and the “Otzma Yehudit” party last week, Itamar Ben Gvir will be Israel's Internal Security Minister with some modifications to the position such as establishing a 'National Guard' that will assist Israel's border police in securing Israeli areas in Judea & Samaria.

In the article, Dabouq continues, "this is what paves the way for him to do what he wants, without internal opposition from the police, including changing the procedure for opening fire on Palestinians, with or without the presence of a conspiracy or a threat to soldiers and policemen. Also, Ben Gvir will be the commander of the Border Guard which is the special security force associated with the Israeli Police."

Israel has very strict rules of engagement for soldiers and for the police. According to these rules, for example, if someone is holding a Molotov cocktail they cannot be shot at, only in the act of throwing it can the forces engage, but once it has been thrown, again security forces are forbidden from firing. Many who support Ben Gvir believe if someone is holding a Molotov Cocktail and it is lit, that shows intent and the forces should be allowed to fire before the actual act of throwing is demonstrated. 

Debouq further explains that this is the body that “operates inside the occupied territories," and the main body that deals with the evacuation of the outposts of the “extremist settlers.” What the reporter neglected to mention is Israeli security forces coordinate with the Palestinian Authority and their security apparatus when it comes to an operation in Palestinian territory. Israel does not have a permanent presence in Palestinian areas.

In a show of what the anti-Israel Arabs are truly concerned with, the article went on to say: "In addition, Otzma Yehudit was also awarded the Ministry of Heritage, where the fascist party will be responsible for the Temple Mount and the Jewish places, which will allow it to occupy additional Palestinian territories, to serve the Jewish narrative." 

The Temple Mount is the holiest place in Judaism and after Israel's victory in 1967, as a show of good faith, Israel allowed the Jordanian Waqf administrative control over the area. However, while any religion is free to pray in Israel, even at the Western Wall, the Waqf bars Jews from praying anywhere on the massive complex. Ben Gvir and others in Israel want Jews to have the right to pray there, although Netanyahu has said nothing will change in what is known as 'the status quo.' 

Despite not mentioning Jerusalem in the Quran, some Arabs believe that the Al Aqsa mosque which was built nearly 50 years after Muhammad's death is the location from where the Muslim prophet took his fabled night journey. The Arabic 'Al Aqsa' translates literally into 'the farthest,' meaning the mosque that is the farthest from Mecca. In the time of Muhammad, Arab scholars believe the mosque mentioned in the night journey is located west of Mecca near the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia.

Until it fell to the Muslims, Jerusalem was controlled by the Byzantines and the Temple Mount served as a praetorium for the army. In the 1930s R.W. Hamilton, director of the British Mandate Antiquities Department, did a survey of Al Aqsa after an earthquake caused damage. From a unique tile mosaic under the Al Aqsa flor, Hamilton realized that the mosque was built on the ruins of a Byzantine church. It is believed that the church was built by Emporer Justinian and was named the Church of St. Mary of Justinian.

The article also states that "the control by the fascists in all the centers of power means that they will be able to abuse the Palestinians without any practical interference or punishment afterward. Although this reality already exists in the occupied territories, this time it will be without gloves, in a direct and rude way, without any fear of internal reactions and externalities.” 

Although the expected “Bibi-Ben Gvir coalition” has not yet been fully sworn in, Ben Gvir has become for many anti-Zionists and those on Israel’s left a symbol of fascism and extremism. Ben Gvir disavowing many of Rabbi Kahane’s beliefs was not enough to shake the title “Kahanist” given to him by some Israeli media personalities.  Israel's governing system though would not give Ben Gvir full reign to do anything, some changes will require Knesset votes and with such a small margin that the Likud coalition would have, extreme changes would be difficult to pass.

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