Former Ambassador To The US & Knesset Member Ron Dermer

The former Israeli ambassador in Washington who is close to Benjamin Netanyahu, Ron Dermer, believes that Israel can reach a peace agreement with Saudi Arabia even under the Biden administration. He expressed his position in an interview with the "Diplomatic Incorrect" magazine earlier this month. 

"I am sure there is a way to improve US-Saudi relations, and Israel-Saudi relations will benefit from this. It will change the region a lot," said Dermer, whose name has come up since the election as a possible candidate for the position of foreign minister. "Biden can receive the Nobel Peace Prize by achieving a peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and Netanyahu can be a critical factor in helping that happen."

This is not the first time Dermer expressed hopeful aspirations for relations with Saudi Arabia. During an interview for the First Source Conference about a year and a half ago, Dermer said that he has no doubt that if Donald Trump had been elected for a second term, such a peace agreement would have already been reached.

Biden’s recent trip to Saudi Arabia received much criticism from his own party since he himself declared Saudi Arabia an outcast due to the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The visit Further increased the tension between the two countries, when Saudi Arabia did not respond to the American request to increase oil production to ease the price pressures created by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Last week, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Saudi Arabia, and it seemed that he was received with more respect than the US President. Additionally, China has expressed in recent days hopes of strengthening ties with the Arab world, further distancing the US.

According to Dermer, the murder of Khashoggi is terrible and Saudi Arabia is neither a democracy nor liberal, "but such countries must be examined not only in relation to the US but in relation to where they themselves were five or ten years ago. Are they more open? Saudi Arabia is indeed moving there."

Dermer also expressed his optimistic thoughts the Ayatollah regime in Iran will fall. According to him, this possibility seems much closer now, amid the protests taking place in major Iranian cities. He further noted the leaders of the democratic countries should express their support of Iranian protesters, some facing execution by radical Islamists.

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