"The Union of Agricultural Work" is an EU program run by The PFLP, a terror group

The Israeli “Regavim” organization submitted a request Tuesday morning to the chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee, Yoav Galant, to convene an urgent meeting following the publication of a secret internal document of the European Union last, detailing a series of steps to strengthen the Palestinian presence in Area C parts of Judea and Samaria.

Among the policies to be implemented according to the European document published by Israeli journalist, Moriah Asraf-Wahlberg was mapping the lands in the West Bank in order to establish Palestinian entitlement to the land, monitoring and tracking Israeli archaeological activity in the territory, and strengthening infrastructure for Palestinians in Area C.

The European Union document also includes their desire to have responsibility over borders and mapping, with the aim of proving Palestinian entitlement to the land. The Union then called to "follow and monitor" Israeli archaeological activity in the field, because this activity and what it produces 'is used by Israel to bolster their ancestral claims to Judea and Samaria,' making it more difficult to prove Palestinian provenance over the region.

The Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria reacted with astonishment to the publication. The chairman of the Judea and Samaria regional council and head of the Gush Etzion Council said in a joint statement following the publication that the document "reveals important proof of what we have been strongly asserting for years: the European Union is working maliciously together with the Palestinian Authority against the State of Israel."

The statement continued: “The matter is nothing less than delusional - the allies of the State of Israel, the governments of Europe, are actively working to change the borders of our country. In the world of the past, this was the cause of war between nations. We are addressing the incoming government tonight - the fight against the illegal takeover of Area C (by Palestinians) must be the first task. Leave everything else and preserve the nation's lands, Because there is nothing more important than that. The Zionist movement began its journey with the liberation of the land. The loss of the land to the enemy is a serious injury to national values and bankruptcy of the Zionist idea."

The head of the Binyamin Council, Israel Gantz, added "the Arab takeover is a smart and strategic arrangement that is financed by antisemitic funding. We warn and cry out that with every passing day the State of Israel is losing the heart of the land. The outgoing government of Lapid and Gantz was part of the problem when it supported the takeover project and let the Palestinian Authority do whatever it wanted and in a criminal manner. The incoming government has an obligation to stop this project. The right-wing government that will rise must act on its first day and prevent a disaster that is about to befall the State of Israel."

The report comes on the heels of a massive bribery scandal at the top of the European Union involving Qatar where a massive amount of money was funneled to some lawmakers to establish policies Qatar wanted. This past weekend, Belgian Authorities arrested Eva Kaili, a Greek politician who served as Vice President of the European Parliament, and charged her along with her partner, Francesco Giorgi, and two others in an investigation into the Qatari influence.

Police raids uncovered €1.5 million in cash. Roughly half of that was found in a hotel room occupied by Ms. Kaili’s father; another €150,000 was found in the apartment Ms. Kaili shared with her partner, prosecutors said.  The case, which Belgian authorities say they’ve been building for over a year with the help of their secret services, has uncovered what prosecutors say was a cash-for-favors scheme at the heart of the European Union. It remains to be seen if the West Bank policy was enacted at the request of Qatar, which is staunchly anti-Israel and is a primary funding source of Palestinian terror organizations such as Hamas.

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